this is the best way to do wax/shatter/hash-oil

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
( this was the best pic I could find )


That's right, this is the best way to consume wax/shatter/oil (but not hash or so called "ice wax" because it has too much starch and other nonmelty stuff in it.)

The good 'ol bubble vape. a.k.a. the meth pipe, pookie, crack pipe to less sophisticated folk, glass dick, etc... You put the wax in the little hole and carefully heat the glass the wax is resting on, from the other side of the glass, until it starts vaporizing.

IMHO, this beats the crap out of anything short of a low temp e-nail with closed loop control. Especially those shitty pens that burn the oil before they get clogged up and burn out. You get pure flavor, no combustion, and the oil component you don't want stays behind instead of burning/vaporizing. So it's much less harsh than a hot nail/skillet.

* best flavor
* true vape, all the oil stays behind, no combustion (see disadvantages)
* [edit: forgot this] ** heats up and is vaping almost instantly
* costs me only $8 a piece and I know I'm getting ripped off, cheap enough to throw if necessary
* pocketable and stealthy with practice
* a torch lighter goes all day/night and takes five seconds to refill it with butane, no time consuming recharging
* set it down on its side (or straight up in your pocket) and all the leftover oil collects on one side leaving a clean glass spot on the bottom for your next hit
* when it fills up with spent oil, just warm it up and dump it out onto a napkin and throw away

* you're hitting a meth pipe
* torch lighter almost required
* can be hard to find, the head shop down the street from my house doesn't sell them after the cops came down on them, I have to go across town
* takes some practice to get a good clean hit, easy to burn your shit if you're not careful
* can be hard to get really sticky stuff in the hole, I fashion a tool out of a bobby pin to hold the dab and stick it down into the hole so the wax is on the glass
* newbies trying to use it are embarassingly nonstealthy
* breaks easily if you're not careful but I have ones go over a year

There is a commercial product called "Eclipse" that is basically the same thing without looking like a crack pipe. It's an aluminum pipe/holder that you screw glass vials (hah, crack vials) into.

Now You Know.
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I remember the shitty cigars that come in the glass test tube... just heat the side on the end and use a metal tool to poke and enlarge a hole. Walla.... we used to do errl in those over 10 years ago, that and the glass paddles lol.
Wrong. Your hitting a oil pipe. Those pipes were meant and used for Honey Oil since Mid '70's when
Meth was not around. I used to buy 30 at a time at $5 ea. and give them free with oil purchase to
my best customers.
I agree with you 100%

But everyone else thinks you're hitting a crack pipe, or a meth pipe.
Wrong. Your hitting a oil pipe. Those pipes were meant and used for Honey Oil since Mid '70's when
Meth was not around. I used to buy 30 at a time at $5 ea. and give them free with oil purchase to
my best customers.

meth wasn't around in the 70's? i disagree with that.. maybe not as popular as it is today, but it was surely around back then..
To be fair, I think Milovan meant that it wasn't until the (late 60's? early 70's?) that vaporizing meth and cooking it up in your trailer became a big thing. In the same way that hash oil has been around for decades but didn't take off until the late naughties when it became widely available in medical dispensaries.

I'm pretty sure Hunter S. Thompson mentions the Hells Angels cooking up meth in his early 70's books. "don't cook near your scooter" I remember, the gasses will corrode it!
Most people don't know shit from Shine-ola. Anything not normally used to smoke weed is a "crack pipe" to them. Personally, I don't care what other people think so I use the best tool for the job.
To be fair, I think Milovan meant that it wasn't until the (late 60's? early 70's?) that vaporizing meth and cooking it up in your trailer became a big thing. In the same way that hash oil has been around for decades but didn't take off until the late naughties when it became widely available in medical dispensaries.

I'm pretty sure Hunter S. Thompson mentions the Hells Angels cooking up meth in his early 70's books. "don't cook near your scooter" I remember, the gasses will corrode it!
I did lots of drugs in the mid to late '70's as a teen in Los Angeles and
I never heard of meth till mid '80's when the yellow Crank came out.
I think meth got more popularized after the mid '80's. I don't doubt what you say
cause I used to get crank and meth from a connection in Tujunga, Cali back then
and the town was well known for having a very high percentage of Bikers that
live there to this day still.
All those tons of Bikers had Meth and Crank so it had to come out much earlier then
mid eighties like you said.
I also believe only Bikers were using Meth back in early '70's cause reg stoners never
heard of it back then in L.A.
Reg stoners back in the mid to late '70's would get Mini Whites (cross tops)
and Black Beauties for their "speed" high.
I used to get jars of 500 Black Beauties at a time in the late '70's and
jars of 500 Quaaludes (downers) at a time also. I kept both kinds in the fridge
to keep 'em fresh cause
my mom didn't mind.
I think Yellow Jackets and Reds were speed caps as well back in the early to mid 70's
from what I remember. They called them uppers.

I agree, the pic of the pipe you posted
is best for oil, wax, shatter etc...
Simple right to the point and gets the job done!
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meth wasn't around in the 70's? i disagree with that.. maybe not as popular as it is today, but it was surely around back then..
My mistake, but meth was used only by Bikers in the '70's no?
I said it wasen't around because reg stoners in Los Angeles never even knew meth existed
in the '70's. Never heard of meth or seen it back then cause only
bikers had it?
Burbank, Hollywood, SFV etc...stoners used only pills for the speed effect
back in the '70's so
maybe it was a different speed scene where you grew up? :? :wink:
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According to Wikipedia, the authoritative source of all human knowledge, in the 50's and 60's meth was the active ingredient in a popular weight loss pill. The Beatles, Elvis Presley, The President, etc... did plenty of stimulants including meth pills. I would assume that black market didn't really start up until it was being restricted (late 60's - early 70's.) I think @Milovan is saying that after that, only serious druggies and people with connections to bikers had meth until it became a phenomenon in the late 80's. I assume that the govt clamping down on coke and especially crack in the 80's that spurred a mass shift to meth.

Whatever, vaping concentrates out of the bubble is the best. Pens suck and hot nails/skillets/collectors are burning/vaping the base non-psychoactive oil that you don't want. Convection vapes get clogged and are expensive. Long live the bubble!
All this whining about nails burning the oil....

If one simply heats it up till it glows real good and then WAIT 20 - 30 seconds before dabbing = flavor bomb. You want to hit the nail just before its at a swamp temp. If swamping the nail your waiting a bit too long.

Personally I dislike dabbing off others rigs, I don't have control of the heat application usually and lack of familiarity with cool down times.... one sour dab leaves me hating the aftertaste for hours.
I also like a larger bong style rig and a ko domeless. These nails work best on a bigger rig.

I also hate the sticky lips n teeth from a tiny rig dab.