Well-Known Member
First of all, I want to say hello to everyone and intro myself a little. This is my first time growing and I've spent a lot of time here reading and getting the information that I needed to get started. I decided the best thing to do was start to grow with a single plant. No sense in wasting a lot of money on good seeds just to kill them off in my opinion. I started my grow and was surprised that everything was going ok. I started to grow my first plant in garden soil that has absoltuely no nutes in the soil. Just nice dark soil I found in a bag. Nothing special. After two weeks I transplanted my seedling to a gallon pot with this soil. I watered the soil until it drained from the bottom and that water had a 1/4 strength of organic plant food that has California Earthworm in it. I think I made a mistake here by doing this and overwatering and adding plant food too early. Days later I saw that the two bottom leaves started with the tips looking dark green and wilting. The soil was way too wet still and I knew it. I used some bamboo sticks to aireate the soil all through the pot and around the soil. I should mention my setup for lights and air. Its a custom thing I built from stuff bought at the hardware store. I didn't want to spend a ton of money, so I just McGuyver'd this xD. I will just post a photo. I have 4 cool blue CFL that surround the plant with a pc casefan (I'm resourceful) that is built in the top of the lighting on a 18/6 timer for veg growth. I move the plant into the sun during the day for a few hours and it is VERY responsive to this. But my problem now is that I am seeing more wilt on a couple more leaves today. I am still drying out the soil. I have noticed something else today. I got brown tips showing up and I am guessing its nute burn. Its not from heat. I got my grow cabinet staying at 28c so its not that. Lights are not too close for sure. The plant seems to be really growing fast for just three weeks, going into week four from a seed, and the new growth looks healthy. So I will get to the point of making my first post question. If this were your plant, what would you do now? Will it recover from me almost drowning it? If it truly has nute burn, then what do I do now? I cant flush the soil because its gotta dry out. Should I just wait 8-10 days without water and see what happens? Should I cut those dying leaves? Am I crafty enough to keep around after the apocalypse? These are things I must know. I want to thank everyone for such a cool place to hang out and I give thanks in advance for tips and advice.