this may be a dumb question but....


my plant is about 3 weeks into budding and i took off a lower stem containing a little popcorn bud just to pass time by because im dealing with a really rough situation right now. but when i tore the stem off, it peeled a layer of the main stem back a little bit (its still in contact, just separated a bit). is this going to effect the plant at all?? will it still be able to continue to bud??


Active Member
If the tear is deep you may wanna tie it a little too keep light out of the inside of the stem. Don't tie it to tight tho you don't want to cut of the circulation of stem.


Well-Known Member
If you had some pics it would be easier to help. I don't think it'll really effect it. I have 2 plants outside that got rained on and broke in half, I just taped where it was broken and tied them up and they're still budding.

Weed plants are pretty resilient, that little tear shouldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
you smoked 3 week old buds? those wouldnt have even gotten you high. but back to your situation masking tape tha bitch.


Active Member
yeah some of that fluff can give a nice buzz even early on. MJ plants are easy to fix. Just tape them back together. I recently knocked off a main branch with a big cola forming on it. Completely broken off! Taped it back together with some wire for support and the branch didn't even stop growing!