This may be crazy, but....


Have any of you tried growing with automobile HID lights??

I've been recently trying to think of a cheaper, relatively inexpensive way for my next grow. Right now I'm using nothing but floros and LEDs but the next grow I'm gonna want to produce a slightly larger yield.

So here is what I was thinking...
- you can buy HID kits off ebay for around the $50 mark...each kit comes with 2 bulbs, and 2 ballasts.
- 2 kits = 4 bulbs in total.
- HID bulbs produce 3200 lumens each, 4 in total would be 12800 lumens.
- each bulb only draws 35 watts.
- using a 300watt computer 12v DC power supply you could easily run these 4 bulbs/ballasts...only drawing 140watts in total, leaving 160watts unused.
- therefore, 140watts of power is producing 12800 lumens.
- bulbs produce 4300k color temp (roughly the same as MH)

This makes way more economical sense to me rather then spending a few hundred bucks on on MH or HPS system with only a few hundred more lumens produced and more power being drawn.

Plus this is only for a personal grow, so this setup could easly grow 4-6 plants, correct?

All that would be needed, would be to build a cheap grow box that could house 4-6 plants, and maybe Mcguyver together a reflector for the bulbs.



Well-Known Member
Pretty sure lumens don't add up. You would just have 4 bulbs that produce 3200 lumens.


New Member
And even if they did the penetration and intensity are probably comparable to a cfl. I say spend that money on a proven setup. Think about it u spend 100 on 2 sets ( look online this is abouth the price for a 400 watter. That 400 will put off around 36k or so in lumens.... Assuming these bulbs do add up ur still lookin at around 25k lumens at around 230 watts. How is that economical in any means other than initial investment. Plus cooling them all... U ever felt a cars hid? My arm has a mark from a bmw ill never forget. Lol so u think too order them cool them and run 8x ballast for them (more heat) or on solid unit with more lumen:watt and a spectrum intended for horticulture. U want fat nugs or u want a hot bright room? Just my .0e but if u do do thid please make a log as it would be fun to watch... I love when people do unconventional things especially if u can make it work for ya. And by work I mean well. It'll grow inspite of u but I mean optimal grow with some fat stankin ass chrondon hangin so heavy it touches the ground lol.


New Member
Low voltage needs a lot of amps man. You're still going to have to plug it into your household current, right? You're not growing off grid with solar panels? You should just go with a 120v HID because it works so well.


Son of a bitch, should have done a little more reading before posting this, lol. Now I sound like a complete dumbass. Of coarse lumens don't add up together...what the hell was I thinking. I was just getting a little too excited...

I have been trying to find a 250 or 400 watt setup online but I can't find anything below the $300 mark (including shipping). I'd like to know where you're seeing these for around $100...

And yes, I have seen/touched HID car my car has a HID setup. Contrary to what you said, they run MUCH cooler than halogen and can actually be touched and wouldn't require much cooling to be honest. You may have brushed your arm on the electrode or something, LOL.


Well-Known Member
It would cost more than a 1000w hps used off ebay or craigslist and put out less lumens than a 150w. Hell you can buy a 1000w budget ballast brand new for $150 all over the place.