This movie is talking about lsd or not i need you opinion


Hello everyone i have watched this movie
But i don't know if this movie talking about lsd or not because i never tried it i tried mdma and hash only but it's a good movie with a good effects and story
You must watch it
The frist hour you will understand nothing but after first hour you will understand everything
It take 8.2/10 stars on IMDb
The trailer
The movie is on Netflix with English subtitle

The trailer of part 2 of movie but not released yet

I need you opinion about this movie is talking about lsd or not and thanks
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Hello everyone i have watched this movie
But i don't know if this movie talking about lsd or not because i never tried it i tried mdma and hash only but it's a good movie with a good effects and story
You must watch it
The frist hour you will understand nothing but after first hour you will understand everything

The trailer
The movie is on Netflix with English subtitle

The trailer of part 2 of movie but not released yet

I need you opinion about this movie is talking about lsd or not and thanks
2:51 in first trailer - DMT
2:51 in first trailer - DMT

No i watched the movie and she told him the blue elephant pill is stronger than dmt but i never tried lsd or dmt but from effects of pill i think it's lsd maybe i am wrong but watch the movie and tell me your opinion and thanks
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