This Smoke Tastes Like Hot Peppers???

Hey yall, I was over a friend's house, and he showed me a small bag of bud he got for a head stash. The source is supposedly reputable, although I can't confirm that myself. This stuff looks like it was grown hydroponically, with an abundance of really long, twisting, rust-colored pistils, and minty green-grey colored calyx (bud). There is such little trichome development, its hard to think this bud was ready for harvest, but the pistil colors are deep, no trace of premature pistils. The guy it came from says its OG Kush. My friend, who bought it from him, says the guy might have mislabeled it, and thinks it might be blue dream.

Anyway, I had a couple tokes off a bowl, and it literally burned my lips and tongue, with the same exact sensation one gets when biting into a habenero hot pepper (although once I exhaled, the sensation would go away). I'm ashamed to say that I've never tried OG Kush, but I can't imagine "pins and needles" is its natural flavor. Have you guys ever tasted smoke from bud that burned like that? It didnt hurt in the lungs so much, but you could literally feel it burning your lips. Anyone know of any fungicides/pesticides/mold-killers, even organic, that causes this effect when smoking?
Sounds like they did a organic spray with habenero peppers. I have a recipe I use like that but can't say my weed tastes like that.
is that common for combating mold or something? It would make sense, like an alternative to chemicals.. but jeez they could have washed it off at least.. can't be too good for the old lungs lol
They may have made their own version of pyrethrum which is chilli and garlic spray. Its used to get rid of bugs! If it was sprayed in the last week before harvest it may explain the pepper sensation!
Spider mites that's what i was trying to remember :O

Hell no, i wouldnt want to taste that in my weed either!! I like eating it but not smoking it!
Wow I am glad I didn't use the pepper spray, although for the next round I will. I am alternating between Neem with other ingredients and some other organic spray that is for food consumption as well as the pepper spray. I am too late in this round for the pepper spray and damn glad I checked in before doing so. Thanks for the heads up. Also some chemical sprays will give a burning on the tongue. Killing spider mites makes people try what they should not. One dude mixed a 50% dose of mathialon or diazanon once and ph corrected to 6.5 and killed them all in one spray. He was only one week in flower and getting his ass handed to him by mites and gnats. I was amazed out how well it worked on the gnats, but I wont do it. He sprayed em and watered it in and we never saw another bug and by the end of the round he was just using neem as preventative. The chemical is supposed to be safe after a few weeks, but I would rather fight the good fight organically. It has cost me but I know what I consume has no carcinogens.