"Those are incredible Patriots"


Well-Known Member
After facing an avalanche of criticism, Trump's responded to the accusations that he instigated the "send her back" chant the other night in N. Carolina.
“Those are incredible people,” said Trump of those cunts, “Those are incredible patriots. But I’m unhappy (boo hoo) when a congresswoman goes and says, ‘I’m going to be the president’s nightmare.’ She's going to be the president’s nightmare. She's lucky to be where she is. Let me tell you. And the things that she has said are a disgrace to our country. Thank you very much.”
She's a disgrace?
Those are incredible people and patriots?
Just like there were fine people on both sides in Charlottesville, right?
No, the only thing incredible about those racist pigs is that they still exist today, but some things never change, especially in the South.


Well-Known Member
Hitler was powerless without the complicity of a certain percentage of his people who were willing to do the killing. It didn't take a majority to cow the others through mob action. We are nearing this point.
The west’s weak reactions towards Hitler not only encouraged Hitler but his hangers on as well. The silence was viewed as assent. Or at best indifference.

too larry

Well-Known Member
45 is walking a tightrope. He has to keep his core afraid and angry if he has any chance to win. Which is not hard to do, but when they show their true colors, like they did in NC, it scares away lots of Independents.

He knows he has to paint himself as the lesser of two evils. So he is trying to paint the entire Dem party as socialist. If he runs straight up against someone like Joe, he will lose badly.


Well-Known Member
The Germans had lots of Americans behind them. Especially before it became known what was going on. I'm not sure we would have got in the war at all if not forced by Japan.
Right because back then it was “America First” and the Republican Party was part and parcel of this policy. They resisted everything involving fighting Hitler and Mussolini.


Well-Known Member
'lucky to be where she is..'

and just where is that?..the US has quickly turned into a shithole country because of trumpY.

the only difference between the immigrants and ourselves is they have physical cages- we have monetary cages.


Well-Known Member
'lucky to be where she is..'

and just where is that?..the US has quickly turned into a shithole country because of trumpY.

the only difference between the immigrants and ourselves is they have physical cages- we have monetary cages.
I guess you must be talking about the gates around your several gated-community homes.