Thought you all mite want to see my ladies..

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Well-Known Member
there only 36 days into flowering.
what do you all think.???? there white widow and afghani bigbud..

like wot you see or dont like??


Well-Known Member
36 days flowering....and doing very well so far.. i had bother with my temps up till last week but ive got a heater in there now so shud all be ok from now on..


Well-Known Member
shud have a look at the last page in my journal ppl.. just added more pics for you all to look at..



Well-Known Member
soooo,, widow is 1st pic and afghani is 2nd,, right,, if so very nice,, but either way,, very nice...:peace:............................................................................


Well-Known Member
glad you all like my grow... will edit a few pics so you can see wots wot..

thanks for takin the time to pop in n have a look..


Well-Known Member
i have 4 widow and 4 bigbud afghani in 3 20litre nft tanks.. all ar doing well and are 37 days into flowering..
trics are just starting to turn a milky colour but most are still clear..

wont be that long till harvest time..



Well-Known Member
They look so gooood. Just hope mine bud as well.
nice one.
Afro the British clown


Well-Known Member
here is my white rhino thats 4-6wks old and is vegging under a flourecent strip light.. just getting it big enuf to take a few cuttings..

the other day i noticed it had some frosty looking bits on the new growth and at the base of the small leaves..

i had a look with my 100x scope and saw trics.???? mushroom heads on them..
im hoping its a female cos ive never heard of males producing or having trics on them.. especially in veg...

anyone got any ideas about it.??