thoughts about how the world really is when your high


Active Member
so recently ive been trying to explore my thoughts more when tokin up on some kush i just got and im thinking to myself.... what the fuck is water? If you think about it, it is such an alien state of matter. You fill your pool with water and you float/swim through such "matter" ofcoarse there are scientific explanations to such thoughts but thinking about them deeper where science cannot explore.....

Just trying out this new act of smoking and being on the forum, i might not make any sence.

Feel free to post or comment.


Well-Known Member
do you mean water or the liquid state in general? let me start of by saying i might not fit into this topic since i'm taking a break from smoking for a few days, but..... water is amazing for being able be a solid liquid and gaseous form under normal condition that we see in our daily lives. Its even more weird due to the fact that ice is LESS dense than water.

whats even cooler to think about is elemensts out of their normal state of matter. liquid oxygen(could you breath oxygen if it was a liquid?), solid carbon dioxide(dry ice), or like gaseous metals. imagine having a fire so hot that it would cause metal to evaporate, then it could rain metal! that would be a cool sight to see

This thread is almost making me wish there was like a science class for potheads where you just learned and did all kindsa experiments that make you go like HOLY FUCKIN SHIT THAT WAS FUCKIN AWSOME I WANNA DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!! then you spend 3 hours playing with vinegar and baking soda........... and of course if you have a science class for potheads you need to take all those cool like pyrex science equipment and clear hoses and shit and make a huge bong or vaporizer with a bunson burner and some kinda 2 port boiling flask
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Well-Known Member
is it possible that all the ancient cave paintings created by man havent even been painted yet because they were done by time travelers from the future who did it as a joke?


Well-Known Member
is it possible that all the ancient cave paintings created by man havent even been painted yet because they were done by time travelers from the future who did it as a joke?
assholes with time machines lol


Active Member
but theres different ways to explore these senses. When you toke up a few cords are def unplugged from your brain but the cords that stay plugged in get extra amps of fun and turn it into what we see.