ok,first off I started totally unprepaired with almost no extra cash for the grow with no experince at all and no regular internet access to study about what I'm doing here. Also I do not have a hydro store or anywere that sells proper soil or nutes. So this is my very first grow,I'm growing 3 plants all Auto Pounder by auto seeds.the oldest 1 is 38 days old today. The other 2 is 34days old today. The oldest and worst looking 1 was transplanted 2 times and now it in a 3.96gallon pot. It is getting yellow/dead leaves on the bottom and more lime green threwout the rest of the plant with a few rust colored spots on a few leaves also. Idk if it is a serious ph issue or the fact that it transp0lanted it 2 times the second transplant she got dropped and lost a lot of her roots when she dropped so idk if it ph or bad shock or strress?? The other 2 look pretty much the same.same overall green color with no rust spots and just 2 or 3 yellow dead leaves at bottom of both plants. Why is that when I feed them the exact same nutrients and their same strain. Just the 1 looks a lot worse thqan the other 2.I have them all in schultz organic soil,using buffalmoe organic plant tea 1-1-1 and I use a little black strap mollasis every now and than. Like I said I have nowere in my area that sells soil or nutes so I'm working with what I have access to. Grown under 14 total lights for all three plants. Cfl 100 watt 6500k and 2700k. If you could please look at my pics and giive any hints thoughts anything about how they look what may be wrong and a possible yeild I might get off all 3 of them?? O yeah I have never had a ph or soil tester threw out the whole grow been using distiled water from store. I just got enough cash to finally order A.N. ph perfect micro,grow,bloom, just arrived today in mail still wating on my ph pen and soil moisture reader to arrive. Please look and give me your thoughts on problem and how they look for their age. Auto flowringn auto pounder by auto seeds. Thanks and sorry for the order that my questions and post is in just woke up
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