Thoughts for a cheap fan?

I was thinking the other day and noticed that clothes dryers use centrifugal fans and thought about how often i see adds on craigslist and kijiji giving away free dryers...was wondering if anyone else has thought of this and maybe done/seen a DIY for it?

I could see them being fairly high cfm as they usually push through a fair bit of ducting. Though i am not sure of how loud they'd be as the dryer wheel usually drowns it out.



Active Member
Looks like a little squirrel cage type fan. Aren't dryers usually wired for 220v though? How much would it cost to get it working on household 120?


Active Member
Yes dryers are wired for 220 volt. Normally 110vt for the heating element and 110 for the fan. If you are electricly challenged this might not be for you.

I will get a dryer fan and report back when I get if figured out.