Thoughts on DTW with rockwool

They just spread out on the hydro table?
The flood and drain table, yes. Many people buy thin reflective foam board for insulation or panda film(black and white poly) and use it to cover the table and have the stems of the plants come through it so roots are always covered from light.
rockwool dtw is my fav method .. you can acheive dwc / nft grow rates with easier management and way etter precision allowing to steer the crop at each stage ..
allow it to be lighter for the first waterings after transplantation .. then you can increase the frequency and keep the medium wetter ..
wetter medium steer the plant in vegetative growth .. then in bloom you want biger drybacks ..
this dryback must happen during night .. very important
during the day with a well rooted plant you want to keep it wet .. and to stop the last irrigation to have the right dryback the next morning . and start to water 2 hours after lights on .. approx

try to keep the medium between
75-50 % water content to promote veg
60-35% water content to promote bloom
if you dont have a WC meter its ok these figures give you an idea of what you want to achieve
75% is wet
35% is light ... but never dry

how to know if you water too much ?

you want to collect around 25% of THE TOTAL irrigations volume of day in runoff in veg .. in flower you can reduce it to 10 %
not 10 % runoff on each watering .. the bigger runoff must happen during midday ..

you start to water 1-2 hours after lights on and you have 2-3 hours to slowly re-wet the substrate after the night dryback .. and get a runoff around midday to flush the accumulation of the night

its good to have moderate salt buildup in bloom .. that will steer the crop in flower mode

just keep in mind you want the lower EC in the medium during the most sunny period of the day ... and let it climb a bit during the night dryback (it will naturally climb)

google CROP STEERING if you want to use rockwool like a pro

english isnt my native language so i hope everything is understood