Thoughts on this young Sativa looker


Active Member
I have 3 of these plants and all are similar. Looking for thoughts on how it might end up. These sprouted the day after thanksgiving so are about 6 weeks old. At first I set them back with some pre fertilized MG that I ended up doing my best at replacing. They are under 18/6 of a TopLed 48x3 light. Potting soil and about 40% perlite. Showed as female about 2 weeks ago.
My questions are sort of two fold. One being, what do you think about this plant with the skinny leaves and such? Very Sativa. I did some lst after topping it a couple weeks ago. It was from a pack of seeds I got donated to me. All I know is the word Polish (as in Poland I think) was on the bag.
Two, I was originally going to plant these outdoors after a while and see how they would do as a winter crop. I live in semi tropic type place. Given the size or any other factors, do you think outside is good or bad idea?


bushy but good I would do some trimming to focaus more of the nutes to the top of the plant. At the end of the day though it is a sativa so its gonna get massive. you might want to consider transplanting soon too just because your roots might get bound up in those tiny pot I would go 7-10 gallon but thats just me. looks great though man

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
They look really good, if you have the space you could top them
Dr. Jekyll

Learn to focus your camera better, and it may help to post your pic's vertically
Mr. Hyde