Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate


Well-Known Member
Showing off my copy and paste skills. :wink:

Obama supporters voice desire to kill Romney over fears food stamps will be taken away
Paul Joseph Watson
October 17, 2012
Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race.​

As we reported yesterday, in addition to threats by Obama supporters to riot if Romney wins, innumerable Twitter users are also making direct death threats against Romney.​
The primary reason given for Obama supporters wanting to see Romney dead is the fear that he will take away food stamps.​
If the tables were turned and conservatives were making death threats against Obama in these numbers, it would be a national news story. Indeed, the mere act of hanging empty chairs from trees as a reference to Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech was hyped by the media as a deadly sign that conservatives were out to lynch black people if Obama won.​
However, the major networks have remained completely silent on the disturbing trend of Obama supporters threatening to resort to violence if their candidate fails to secure a second term.​
Twitchy has compiled a laundry list of assassination threats by Obama supporters made during and after the debate, and more continued to flood in this morning, including the following;​

The death threats are being made by both black and white people, emphasizing that merely drawing attention to the issue has nothing to do with “race-baiting,” as the Obama front group Think Progress claimed yesterday.​
It is important to stress that these Twitter accounts are genuine, they are not fakes. Many of them have thousands of previous tweets.​
The following Tweets are just some of the ones compiled by Twitchy during and after the debate;​
- “If Romney win this election, he might as well wear a shirt that says “Assassinate Me Bitch”.​
- “Yall ready to assasinate romney?”​
- “Somebody needs to asassinate This mofo Romney.”​
- “Romney make me wanna hop through the tv & just assasinate his ass.”​
- “I aint gone lie… Food stamps the shit! I mite assasinate romney my damn self if he get elected!”​
- “If romney get elected i hope a nigga assasinate his bitchass.​
- “No birth control???? Lol rlly Romney the american population is going to overflow and then we’ll have to resort to murder and you’ll be #1.”​
- “At this point in time I am completely prepared to MURDER ROMNEY MYSELF!”​
- “If Romney win, IM GOING TO JAIL FOR MURDER cuz imma whack his bitch ass ASAP.”​
- “If Mitt Romney wins, which I doubt, someone should assassinate him before he ruins the lives of our generation & our children.”​
It is important to emphasize that these are just a selection of scores and scores of threats to assassinate Romney that have exploded on Twitter over the last 12 hours. We didn’t even have time to check Facebook or any other social networks.​
As Infowars has stressed, we are non-partisan and have encouraged people to vote for neither candidate. However, the hypocrisy of leftists in trying to either downplay or deny this issue altogether is jaw-dropping given how they routinely try to portray conservatives as violent and extremist by pointing to angry comments made online.
LOL oh my god... look out people! It's the Twitter Revolution.

You folks are sure getting desperate.

How many people tweeted they were going to kill Obama if he got elected?

The secret service is going to have their hands busy following up on all those idiots....
i wouldnt trust alex jones if he said the sky was blue.

he gives regular run of the mill conspiracy wackos like the unabomber and jim jones a bad name.

This is just one from the link I provided. I'm not going through all of them. However, I did look at some others, and it is funny to see how many people have went and deleted their account, and how many have tried to delete what they said.

UB should like one of these responses since he is constantly trying to correct someones grammar.
twits.JPG<<<<Uncle Buck, that one is for you. :wink:
This is just one from the link I provided. I'm not going through all of them. However, I did look at some others, and it is funny to see how many people have went and deleted their account, and how many have tried to delete what they said.

UB should like one of these responses since he is constantly trying to correct someones grammar.
<<<<Uncle Buck, that one is for you. :wink:

it could be true, it could be fake, alex jones reporting it makes me assume its fake.

turds dont stop stinking when they happen to plop onto a feild of wildfllowers.

alex jones could appear in a moonlit glen beside a crystal clear pool of spring water and a little waterfall, surrounded by rainbow winged pixies and a goddmaned unicorn, and he would still be a fucking turd.