Three little ones from seed. Time to make the choice.


Well-Known Member
All three are bagseed.

In a coco blend, transplanted from cups to larger pots. All three have vigorous roots.

The biggest of the three is in the corner under 90w led, and is in 3 gallons.

One other plant in a 1 gallon fabric pot.

The third plant is in a 1 gallon plastic bucket.

These plants want to grow. I have to make a good choice, keep them in the tent, let them go 12/12 soon, or take them out.

I want to be safe, since these plants are from bagseed.

most likely from an OG.

Since the OG, or whatever strain it is, had seeds, it was a Hermie right? What would that make these three?

Here are some pictures. Much Love and Good Vibes.


1/2 of plant 1 in 1 gallon fabric pot
3/4 of plant 2 in 1 gallon plastic
5/6 of plant 3 in 3 gallon fabric under led

How might you proceed? Thanks


Well-Known Member
No way to know until they show sex. They did not necessarily come from a herm. Could have been a girl that got pollinated.