to clean grow room??


Active Member
Well here I am on my 2nd grow ....first one went great..
I baught 5 clones from a well know dispensery near me, planted them in some brand new fox farm soil.. two weeks later I notice the clones have thrips little bugs eating the leafs, crawling on leaves I don't know much about theses little things .. I'm only two weeks into veg so I'm just gonna toss these plants clean my tent and room really good and start over.

so my question is how do I clean my grow tent and the room it's in to make sure these things are dead and don't infest my next crop.. thx guys
with gasoline...... light a joint.... and right after the last puff pass it to ur Tent...... (pardon me im high as fuck lol)..

spinosad or pyrethrin( don't bug me)

Thrips are the easiest of the bugs to get rid of.
Cool thx for the reply the dispensary is gonna refund me for the clone or give me new ones , I'm only two weeks into veg so starting over is not to bad , but what do I need to do to get rid of them in my grow room once I get rid of the plants I do not want them coming back to my next crop..
I just order pyrethrum foggers to set off in grow room/tent should that do the job?????? Any help is needed this is the first time dealing with critter thx fellas
Cool thx for the reply the dispensary is gonna refund me for the clone or give me new ones , I'm only two weeks into veg so starting over is not to bad , but what do I need to do to get rid of them in my grow room once I get rid of the plants I do not want them coming back to my next crop..
I just order pyrethrum foggers to set off in grow room/tent should that do the job?????? Any help is needed this is the first time dealing with critter thx fellas
Cool thx for the reply the dispensary is gonna refund me for the clone or give me new ones , I'm only two weeks into veg so starting over is not to bad , but what do I need to do to get rid of them in my grow room once I get rid of the plants I do not want them coming back to my next crop..
I just order pyrethrum foggers to set off in grow room/tent should that do the job?????? Any help is needed this is the first time dealing with critter thx fellas
So I have used Ocean forest once in just a few pots and noticed it attracted a lot if bug attention, also from reading numerous peoples posts on here using the same soil I have decided that these bugs are either already in the soil when you buy it, which I believe it states on the bag that no heat sterilization had been used, or that all the fish and crab hydro slate, and kelp are attracting them...either way I would use some greensand or some sort of bti with DTE and pest strips to keep unwanted pests at bay!
Well the dispensary recamended doctor zyme to eliminate the thrips so I ordered it and it's here......1435256433360467687634.jpg1435256468593-316392927.jpg has any one ever used this?? Seems pretty cool it can be used as a soil drench, a cleaner, and can be sprayed on plant up entil harvest it's also all says it kills thrips there larva and eggs..hope the pictures are ok... I'm gonna use it as a cleaner along with a pyrethum fogger, any info would help....
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Never used that but it looks like it's got a lot of info on that bottle. Unless those are all the warnings.
I let off 2 pyrethum foggers each 4 days apart I sprayed in side the grow tent ,the carpets and sprayed down the hood and all that, with the doctor zyme..then I wiped every thing down with bleach and water.... do you think this is enough to get rid of thrips ?? am I safe to put new plants in the room??????
I also baught montery spray with spinosad to use as a spray & a little bottle of azamax to use as a soil drench just incase they come back,