Tilray Ceo hoping for help from the government


Well-Known Member
These leaches are looking for any help they can get to keep their heads above water. Now want the feds to help their shitty companies lolol. Hey maybe grow some decent product and you won’t need help from your friends in the government. Pathetic
Oh please!

It must be a transmissible desease, 'cause before that sort of begging came from Hexo/Hydropothecary - makers of Kosher Zyklon, conveniently transforming into NON-Detection "traces" of a LEVEL-3 item on Geneva's Chemical Weapons Convention, thanks to myclobutanil still BANNED unless proven not detectable, euh... Or not proven detected, m'well vice et versa!

Oh, and you know what about "vilification": it's not actually new at all, exept the predator$ call it "REMEDIATION", which adulterates the true meaning of what's oculted by such savvy wording. Too bad all knowledgeable layers & friends jumped the fence to join a common ennemy, starting with greed... Which is why the only solution is to DEMONETARIZE and in Québec there's been some good news lately, euh... At first glance anyway, though as long as politicians act like immature teenagers in front of cameras while saying the evil "c" word all it takes for Prohibition v2.0 to prevail under the "Légaleezation" label is just an anonymous vote in the People's House, that way nobody is to blame, In The Name Of Children (e.g. on planet Itnoc)!!

These leaches are looking for any help they can get to keep their heads above water. Now want the feds to help their shitty companies lolol. Hey maybe grow some decent product and you won’t need help from your friends in the government. Pathetic
Gotta love the way they figure the road to better sales are to do more corporate maneuvers. Buy this and sell that....merge dam it !!!
The way to better sales is small batch local craft grown weed.
You can't "suit " your way into our world buddy. They're are some of us who will never buy your garbage. I wouldn't use it if it was free.
These leaches are looking for any help they can get to keep their heads above water. Now want the feds to help their shitty companies lolol. Hey maybe grow some decent product and you won’t need help from your friends in the government. Pathetic

Lol @ "buying debt to convert to equity to save on production costs".

Nothing dumb about that plan. When are these clown corporations going to realize their value was in their potential before legalization? The corporate raiders have all made their money and moved on to a different money tap.

Bad products, zero self awareness and bad leadership all around is the problem. If your leadership doesn't have their finger on the pulse of the culture, they are destined for failure. Focusing on production costs instead of product quality/variety suggests that they have their finger on the pulse of their own ego, not the community the wish to serve.
Use a microscope to expose at least some of that ego in a graphically obvious manner even to the masses, for starters under traits of what's called "remediation", i heard... Though i much prefer "VILIFICATION" as there's no ambiguity behind.