"Timber Grow Lights"


Active Member
So ive tried to search for this but cant find a legit conversation between the 3 different "redwood" versions from timber grow lights.

Im basically mixed between the:

Redwood VS (Vero29 gen7 led) msrp 899

Redwood TS (citizens led) msrp 1049

Redwood cs (cree led) msrp 1399.

I understand the difference between the 3 led brands. my questions are for anyone with experience with this company. Ive been assured that the "Vero 29" is the great value here but i wanted to ask around first. The high price difference is what scares me into wondering if i should shell out the extra $ for the cree or citizens.

Does anyone have a recommendation on which one for a 5'x5' area? *4'x4' actual* because I also use "1200watt (540 actual draw) cheap china leds" for supplemental light on the edges.
$900 is my real budget for a new cob but if the difference is night and day im not afraid to spend the extra money . Am i better off getting the "cree" for $400-$500 more?
The citizens for $150 more?
OR is the vero29 gen7 the best buy for my 5'x5' tent WITH 540watts actual draw supplemental light.

AND ive also been told you can mix and match different COBS on one light fixture. does anyone have a specific custom setup that has worked well?

Im pretty sold on this company and have not found a bad remark period. But if you have any suggestions on similar companies or lights, im all ears. I plan on veg and bloom under the same light. Thanks in advance.
I already emailed him. I guess im more or less asking how people customized their cob selection and if anyone else gets good results adding supplement light and how that effects their temps with these specific lights. And also asking for similar companies of the same quality
I already emailed him. I guess im more or less asking how people customized their cob selection and if anyone else gets good results adding supplement light and how that effects their temps with these specific lights. And also asking for similar companies of the same quality
Check out quantum boards at HLG.....