Time 'Till Harvest?

These are bag seed that are about 6.5 weeks into flower. Any idea how many more weeks until shes about finished? These 3 pics are from the 3 different plants.

looking nice man, looks like you have a good while to go, id say 3 weeks and maybe another week of flushing. let those babies fatten up!
yeah thats what I was thinking. the way these plants grew was soo weird. I planted 3 bag seeds just to get atleast 1 female for personal smoke you know? then come flower time all 3 are female haha. The weird thing though is that one of the plants is very lush with vegitation...I mean like almost an inch wide trunk and about 18-20 inches tall with lots of side branches and so on where as the other 2 are a little stretched and have no side branches at all...grown under the same conditions in the same sized pots...weird.


Well-Known Member
HARVEST?!? Not even close....those buds are still fattening up.... tons of new white growth.... at least 3 weeks...