Time to harvest? Any suggestions? CFL LED GROW

Hi all,

dont know what happened to my grow journal but i cant find it... Can someone help me or advise me how long away i am from harvest or suggestions?

The one close up picture is of the smaller plant and is about 1 week ahead of the other one.. there is abotu a 50/50 ratio of orange hairs to the clear white hairs on it as you can see.. Do these white hairs have to turn brown before its totally ready? I'm about 7 weeks into flowering i'd say.. Stopped using nutes and began flushing with water, will add lil molasses soon...

The plant on the left is really throwing bud sites out everywhere so i think if i pull the other plant i can get more light on the other if that makes sense...



Well-Known Member
its going to take at least 8 weeks. u have to get a strong magnifying glass or microscope and look at the trichomes and look for about 50/50 milky/amber color. if they are clear which they would be now they are considered premature. if you have all amber trichomes it will be a very dopy high. most people do 50/50 about so its a well rounded super stony high
ahh ok but that one close up picture looks abotu 2 weeks away just from what you can tell now? I was gonna ask you about the curing procedure? I hear you can dry them in 20 minutes ready to smoke in the oven (we tried last night on one bud site and it was awesome!! ) or 30 days in a tight jar? What is the easiest/best/timeliest way of doing this onece this plant is rdy in 2 weeks?


Active Member
ahh ok but that one close up picture looks abotu 2 weeks away just from what you can tell now? I was gonna ask you about the curing procedure? I hear you can dry them in 20 minutes ready to smoke in the oven (we tried last night on one bud site and it was awesome!! ) or 30 days in a tight jar? What is the easiest/best/timeliest way of doing this onece this plant is rdy in 2 weeks?
Hang them upside down in a dark closet for a couple days then cut them and put them in an air tight jar and "burp" (open them) once every 12 hours for a couple days and let the moisture out... The real smell and taste will really come out that way.