Time to harvest?


How long has the plant been flowering? It isn't easy to judge definitively from the pictures and also depends on what effect you're going for. Once those stigmas (hairs) have pretty much turned entirely orange it is an indicator the buds are ripe. But they also tend to darken upon drying, and could even be over-ripened in which case the THC begins to degrade. The longer you wait, the effect will be less cerebral and more of a drowsy body high due to increased CBD.

Really, the best way to tell is to get a hand-held microscope that will magnify 60-100x so that you can view the progress of the trichomes. These are available for about $10 at Radioshack. Trichomes go from clear (immature) to cloudy to amber. Most people chop once they go mostly cloudy or at the first sign of amber heads.


Well-Known Member
I agree the best way is to check the trichomes with a scope....If I had to make a guess, and it is just a guess, I would say it is ready and to avoid the frost.