Time to transfer??


Active Member
Hey guys, i have a couple plants that are about 3-4 weeks old and they are still kind of small due to the fact that i only put them under lights(1x175w MH and 3x30w CFL) for the past week before then they were outside. The pots they are in now are kind of small and the roots are comming out of the bottum, should i transfer into a new pot? and would this effect the growth of the plant, because its not in a big enough pot, also one of the plants is starting to droop and turn a bit yellow, i do not give them any nutes but i am using miracle grow with nutes already in it. Also how often should i water? im watering right now once a day but only a little bit. How can i maximize growth?


Well-Known Member
i was always told to stay away from miracle grow. Rumor is they dont have enough nutes for flowering. Re pot in a soiless mix and get some fox farm or general hydroponics 3 part liquid ferts.


Well-Known Member
transplant into larger pots if the roots are starting to come out the bottom sure sign of the plant being rootbound. and as for the yellowing you might be overwatering soak the soil untill water starts to run out the bottom just barley and then leave them untill the soil is dry a good 2-3in down then water again. could be a few days could be a few hours depends on how fast the water is used/dries.


Well-Known Member
No, i'm sure MG is supposed to be bad because it has way to much nute. I think its nitrogen. So, giving your plant the full dose will burn it. I use MG bloom fert and give it about 25% potency. Works fine for me, i also use superthrive.


Well-Known Member
ya, MG soil has enough in it. My soil is a mix of the starter soil (that i used in the beginnins) and organic without any nutes (that i use to fill the pots after transfer).


Well-Known Member
DONT I REPEAT DONT watre it everyday the nutes inur MG soil are slow releasing meaning everytime u water ur plants ur giving them more fert wich the probably dont need give them a good watering when ever ur soil get dry stick ur finger bout 2 inches into the dirt and if its dry than water if not than dont and NEVER use MG soil again it causes nuttin but problems i say make ur own soil a soiless mix wit some perlite i dont really think peat moss is nessesary takes the point outta perlite


Well-Known Member
oh yeah forgot some more Pics would be nice and how big are ur pots if ur plant is 1 month old than i say they should at least be in a 3 gallon pot by now if u want u can go to walmart and by a 4.25 gall pot for 2 buck and ur plant will do fine in that for a good time


Active Member
Thanks for the responses. right now they are in pretty small pots and im gonna switch them asap, when i transfer them what kind of soil should i use or should i just mix a regular soil with my Miracle Grow ? and also right now i am giving them 24/0 light, what should i cut down to? what will get my plants to grow the quickest, but not flower?.. Oh and about the pics ill post those as soon as i can, i would use my phone but the camera sucks.


Well-Known Member
keep 24/0 until u hit flowereing make ur own soil wit regular dirt and some perlite AND NO DONT MIX IT WITH MG SOIL MG SOIL= THE CUCUI ( DEVIL ) and hey man juss look at the GROW FAQ i never wanted to read it but there alot of stuff u can find out it can answer alll ur questions