timeline: calyxes swelling for final ripening??

high guys bongsmilie

just curious on the timeline it takes for the calyxes to swell and to make the buds nice n ripe.

it was only bagseed, but i believe the plant to be dj short grape kush, or a variation of it, as it possess many similar traits in according to what i have read about this strain.

its taken much longer then anticipated, but i really dont want to cut her life short, as ive already trimmed a small sampler a week ago, when in reality i should have waited another week.

shes really starting to show its color, in all its fall glory, buts r starting to fatten up noticably, leaves r dying off at the nodes, and remaining leaves n bud sites have nice variagated leaves green/purple ting.

will get some pics up ater. dont mind them tho. she looks like shes dying but i trained her to bend like that, it was grown in ground then removed into 68L rubbermaid over a month ago to finish up because i got scared that she might dissapear one night!!!

im not going to ask how long its got left because i can determine this for myself, altho your all welcome to give your comments on when you think she might be done or how pretty she looks!

NO MICROSCOPE SORRY GUYS, NO MORE RADIO SHACK!! they are really hard to find unless i want to pay 15-20 dollars for a 2-3x scope :cuss:

oh and pics will be 3.1 megapix. My camera tech is really outdated, i might as well take em with the cell phone, its 3.2 LOL
yes i noticed the 1st calyxe swell 2 days ago, forgot 2 mention that part. Was really looking forward to some halloween smoke! but im thinking she still has another week left in her.


Well-Known Member
high guys bongsmilie

just curious on the timeline it takes for the calyxes to swell and to make the buds nice n ripe.

it was only bagseed, but i believe the plant to be dj short grape kush, or a variation of it, as it possess many similar traits in according to what i have read about this strain.

its taken much longer then anticipated, but i really dont want to cut her life short, as ive already trimmed a small sampler a week ago, when in reality i should have waited another week.

shes really starting to show its color, in all its fall glory, buts r starting to fatten up noticably, leaves r dying off at the nodes, and remaining leaves n bud sites have nice variagated leaves green/purple ting.

will get some pics up ater. dont mind them tho. she looks like shes dying but i trained her to bend like that, it was grown in ground then removed into 68L rubbermaid over a month ago to finish up because i got scared that she might dissapear one night!!!

im not going to ask how long its got left because i can determine this for myself, altho your all welcome to give your comments on when you think she might be done or how pretty she looks!

NO MICROSCOPE SORRY GUYS, NO MORE RADIO SHACK!! they are really hard to find unless i want to pay 15-20 dollars for a 2-3x scope :cuss:

oh and pics will be 3.1 megapix. My camera tech is really outdated, i might as well take em with the cell phone, its 3.2 LOL
That would be Grape Krush actually... but since it was bag seed its nearly impossible for it to be short genetics ...sry
ok guys, here are some FRESH pics taken moments ago.

sorry about my 3.1 mp camera shots. the macro setting cant focus too great either, but you should still be able to see that these buds r lookin nice :weed:

she has a week TOPS of life left in her. i didnt expect her to take this long to finish.


these buds r starting to purple up really nice now. ive seen the dj short grape kush pics a dozen times, but my girl doesnt seem to look like that, altho it has very similar growing traits!! im thinking its a cross strain, maybe with some sativa because shes been flowering for 9 weeks now, and still got a lil time left to finish


Well-Known Member
how many weeks has it been in flowering? Definitely impossible to tell genetics by geussing unless you have an idea from the person who you bought the bud from. Doesn't matter anyway because that is one beautiful bagseed!!!!!! Good job man, great colors.
how many weeks has it been in flowering? Definitely impossible to tell genetics by geussing unless you have an idea from the person who you bought the bud from. Doesn't matter anyway because that is one beautiful bagseed!!!!!! Good job man, great colors.

i dont know the exact day it started to flower. its easy to know with a indoor grow, but outdoors u have no control. is it on the first sign on the white pistils at nodes?? or do they have to join 2gether b4 u start counting days??

i estimate about 9 weeks currently. heres a pic from sept 7th, what i thought was flowering it was a good 10 days or more b4 this pic.

