timer got screwd, what will happen?


Active Member

yesterday i found out that the timer got screwd (the plants were suppose to be 2 weeks into flowering) the last couple of days i noticed they stopped flowering (the pre-flowers are gone) and also didnt grow noticabley, than i chkd the timer and found out it wasnt working proprley.

is it really bad or is just a setback?


Well-Known Member
From everything I have learned from reading in the forums it is just a setback. For example many people flower for 2 weeks while in the middle of vegging just to find out which ones are the females. Then they veg on the females for a while longer and them begin to flower them again. Sorry if that was a bit confusing but that is what I have read and it makes sense.

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
Get yourself a new timer. Leave the lights off in the flower room for at least 24 hrs...then start your 12/12 schedule again. Shouldn't be too much of a set back. Keep an eye out for hermies in a couple of weeks just incase they get a bit too stressed.



Well-Known Member
i had the same problem noticed it 4 days into flower it had only worked for 2 days then the lights stayed on i didnt know now im using the timer from my heater and turning the heater on manualy


New Member
you'r saying i will need a timer to do my work :) otherwise i have to be there evry 12 hours right :D ? for the flowering time ?

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
you'r saying i will need a timer to do my work :) otherwise i have to be there evry 12 hours right :D ? for the flowering time ?
This is a joke right? I don't get it, if it is. But anyways....of course you need a timer. It's the most important tool for flowering other than decent lights. If you don;t have a timer...expect failure.
