Timer Troubles


Active Member
A few weeks ago disaster struck- I had to mulch the two plants I was growing! They were in the third week of flowering when one revealed itself to be male whilst the other turned out to be a hermi. Anyway, I took it on the chin and started again, this time planting the 3 seeds that were left from the 5-pack containing the 2 rejects mentioned above (The Church by Greenhouse BTW). I did so because I want to know if it was the seed stock at fault (worrying, as I've grown this particular strain before and never encountered problems). Then I felt that I should have a fallback position in case my Churches did turn out to be wrong 'uns so I planted 3 SADs.
Anyway, all 6 are now well on their way- Churches on week 3, SADs on week2, and last night whilst watering them I was struck by the idea that I should check out my tent and associated equipment in case my problems had been caused by stress-something other forum members postulated when I posted my problem a few weeks back. It was then that I hit upon a possible cause; for some unknown reason (possibly stoned!) I had the lighting set to 16/8 instead of 18/6, and as I use a different timer for 12/12 the growth period of 16/8 had been in force since the beginning of my initial grow.
I would just like to know what the effect of this error might be? Could my initial 3 plants have been ruined by their erroneous growth period, and (more importantly) what effect will those few weeks of bad timing have on my present crop (Obviously they are now on the correct regime)? Is it worth continuing or should I just rip 'em up and start again? Any comments or experiences welcome. Thanx
Only 3 weeks into veg you should be more than ok. If you would have been into 12/12 I would be concerned with stress issues. But since they've not made it out of the veg period you should be more than ok as long as you've given them a little time under the longer light period before flipping to 12/12. Happy Gardening!


Well-Known Member
so your saying the plants vegged under 16/8 instead of 18/6 and then you put them into 12/12 and they revealed themselves to be a male and a hermie? if so, no, it has nothing to do with it at all.