

Well-Known Member
ive always been a soil grower. and the only timer ive needed was for my lights. i dont want to over water my baby's and kill them. i have a water farm setup, and have seeds in my starter plugs now. i have a dig timer with up to 6 setting. and im using hydroton. how often should i have the air pump running. how does 10 minutes every 4 hours sound? so it has a even watering 24/7 or more durring lights on and less durring lights off. please help and thank you for your help.


Well-Known Member
no need for a timer to run airpump. the roots cannot be left drowned in still water at all. run it 24/7. besides aikrpumps suck little power


Well-Known Member
Keep the air pump on 24/7. If you dont, your plants will die very quickly. Also, add H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide, 29%) which is about $20-$30 a gallon. Add H2O2 to your nutrient at the rate of 5mL/gallon every 3 or 4 days. This is extra oxygen for your roots, they will thrive on it!

For watering, 10 minutes every 4 hours DURING DAYLIGHT is good. No water at night time.

Good lucK!


Well-Known Member
Yikes, you might want to look into getting an air stone and air pump for
adding oxygen to your rootzone. The air pumps you have in your picture
are just for running the drip line, it's not going to actively oxygenate your

I would run an oxygenating airstone 24/7 in your setup, and run your drip
line air pump for something like 15on/45off. I'm not sure what optimal time
is for the drip line but I'm sure that's very dependant upon how high of a
flow you have from your drip. I used to run my waterfarms at 15on 30off
with good results, I also ran 24/7 with a weaker air pump with good results
as well.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, you might want to look into getting an air stone and air pump for
adding oxygen to your rootzone. The air pumps you have in your picture
are just for running the drip line, it's not going to actively oxygenate your

I would run an oxygenating airstone 24/7 in your setup, and run your drip
line air pump for something like 15on/45off. I'm not sure what optimal time
is for the drip line but I'm sure that's very dependant upon how high of a
flow you have from your drip. I used to run my waterfarms at 15on 30off
with good results, I also ran 24/7 with a weaker air pump with good results
as well.
Yeah you dont need a drip system if you are doing bubble buckets.. 8-10 days your have roots drinking your water.. After I germinate I take the seed put it in rapid rooter and veg in dome with just straight PH water until I get roots , then into the buckets.


Well-Known Member
so once the root make it threw the net pot to the water, the drip ring doesnt need to run 24/7. but a airstone in the bucket does. so i should be ok with just the drip ring till the roots make it to the water right? the air being pumped into the bottom of the bucket should aerate the water correct? its my first water farm and i'm not rtying to mess it up to badly. i made 2 water farms for the price of 1 by making them myself. im hoping this turns out good. if so i mite not have to hal dirt bags any more, just water bucket lol. if i use RO water from start do i add cal-mag from the start? or just wait till i start my nutes at week 2 in veg?


Well-Known Member
If you're using RO use your cal-mag from the start.

Drip ring doesn't have to run 24/7, but honestly if you want
to use it to keep your rocks moist it will help the roots that
much more.

Def get air stone for bottom of res, it will help with your o2
levels and nute circulation.


Well-Known Member
ok will do. these damn seed need to hurry up and grow in these plugs lol. i cant wait to start using my new toy. what size air pump yall run? i got one 10-30 gallon and one 30-60 gallon air pumps. i figure the 30-60 gallon air pump could run both water farms and the 10-30 gallon air pump run a air stone in the bottom of the buckets. how that sound? or do i need more air pumps? i think i have everything i need once the newest seeds are ready to be put in the hydroton. i will be buying nutes for my hydro setup next week. im thinking GH 3 part (grow,bloom,micro) i only have botanicare nutes for my soil plants and only the grow says for hydro also. my additives can be used on both soil and hydro right?