Tiny Black seed looking things at week 8 of Flower!!!!!! WTF

So my plants looked fucking just amazing for my 1st grow, had 9 lost 5 to spider mites if look at my past post, so down to 4, harvesting my jillybean lastnight i was trimming and missed cut a little of the bottom of the bud off not a big deal right, well inside of the bud there are little itty bitty, black, and brown dots about as big as this letter.......o, thats it but there are alot of them not bug related part of the actual plant, the plants are all milky tris, just was waiting on a few to get amber. 1st grow, shit will be dank no mattter what, just tripping cant catch a fucking break. will be taking picture soon but please try and let me know, could it be the resin glands, or the preseed, that if not pollinated dies off insid there wtf could it be??? Few thoughts i had, my room gets to 90 with lights on, outside my closet in room just installed a like 100 something watt t5, maybe light leaking n rooom, just pulled nutes and started flush, just a few thoughts, the temp tho has been the same if not hotter, the entire grow.


Active Member
uhm I see those inside some of my nugs too , I was thinking catipillar poop.. But I've checked my entire plant for catipillars.. I found 1 TINY ONE n killed that nigga..


Well-Known Member
i know its a bit of topic op. but how did u finally beat the mites and im sorry to hear you lost 5. if only god owd mi a favor i rid the earth of them little b****** lol
I did a 3 step deal with floramite, avid and then jalapeno water soap mix, before they went into flower. There are a million remidies online you can find, my advice pick 3 and do them in a cycle ever 10-14 days, wash your hands and clean room i caught mine early. Any ideas on waht the hell the tiny seed like things are in my buds, hella dank, so super shitty.


Well-Known Member
ty for info im always taking notes on how to beat bugs. these spots im not to sure tbh. im juts looking round here and few other sites to try and find some info. but no matter how you word the key words needed into google it always give u post about black dots that re spider mites. i try again as there always some on who had the same problem. you sure its not some form of mold, are u checking them under the youre hps/lights