Tiny brown spots on mature flowering plant -- Ca deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Pic attached. 1 of 4 plants, others seem unaffected so far. Plants are about a month short of harvest.

Thought it was calcium deficiency, and gave a good dose in the next feeding, but it got worse overnight.

Any thoughts? Thanks



Well-Known Member
Yeah, pH is good, right around 6 +/- 0.1

I use Botanicare, and their recipes drop the CaMg a lot near the end. I guess I won't do that any more

Also, just the one plant, which is strange. Others, same strain, seem unaffected.


Well-Known Member
Some individual plants have their own needs. I've got a black domina finishing up that is a calmag whore. Leaves look worse than yours and I keep dumping the calmag in.