Probly. Even texas is working on itWhen do we go legal at the federal level? What events will tip the scales? A certain number of states legalizing?
I wouldn't say Canadians are smarter than Americans. Just different ideals and priorities I guess.In the infamous words of Barack Hussein Obama, a Democrat, "Legalizing marijuana will not grow our economy." Maybe Canada should add cannabis to their national medical plan. Funny how tax dollars in both countries continue to fund big pharma but cannot be used for safer alternatives. Our best hope lies with Jesse Ventura. However, GO Canada!!! I always felt that Canadians are smarter than Amerikaans.
YESProblem facing Dodge City now is the Pandora's Box that is wide open in many states. The governor of Colorado had to do a 180 in order to try and keep his phony baloney job. I feel in the 2020 elections that candidates had better put relegalization in their platform if they want to get in office. There is a state senator in Nevada that has a strain named for him. We all need to come out of the closet and make sure the stoops in office have figured out we are tired of being lied to and watching friends and family members being persecuted by evil legislators who base laws on corporate greed and not want the general populous wants. Trump ran on the slogan "Make America Great Again." Just add "Relegalize Hemp" to that and it will happen. I've only been saying this for over 25 years is all.
Smuggling pressure north to south will get Uncle Sam's attention. Not much else.Oh Canada Our Home and Native Land...... proud to be Canadian!
Maybe when the American gov't sees that Canada doesn't collapse in July 2018 when we legalize it federally for recreational purposes, they might start to reconsider the legality of marijuana. Also you will probably need a democrat as president not "The Trump".
Perhaps the fed. will go legal if prohibition candidates lose in 18. As of now, house legislation is forcing some decisions. My guess is, it happens when the Fed. can no longer hold up the fig leaf that they are controlling trafficking. Canadian border is a big step ( If Sessions could be persuaded to breathalize that border something would happen I bet). New England up and running moves the needle. The state legislative dam could break (New Jersey), the states nearing that now, are small and in N.E., not the most bang per buck for getting the Fed. to move. In 2020 a state like Fl. may vote legal and put smuggling pressure on Dixie. These steps will spur change.When do we go legal at the federal level? What events will tip the scales? A certain number of states legalizing?