Tips and Tricks for Increasing THC production before Harvest??


Active Member
Hey all I'm looking for some more definite answers on a few things that I have heard help increase THC production right before harvest???

-First off is the whole 48 hrs of darkness right before the chop?? does it work?

-Second is emptying your DWC res 48 hrs before the chop?? Obviously this sounds only like it makes drying a little quicker?? any real facts

-Thirdly and i'm sure not lastly is the whole piercing the stems of all branch to shock the fuck out of her?? she thinks she going to die she'll produce more resin and trichs to catch pollen?? True or False

and then UBV which I'm pretty sure is allready proven so no explanation there..i don't think

Any Input from all the VETs out would be great....I know some of yall don't want to give up secret tricks but I was just wondering who has tryed any of these and does it really work.....? Thanks Again Everybody........


Well-Known Member
Hey all I'm looking for some more definite answers on a few things that I have heard help increase THC production right before harvest???

-First off is the whole 48 hrs of darkness right before the chop?? does it work?

-Second is emptying your DWC res 48 hrs before the chop?? Obviously this sounds only like it makes drying a little quicker?? any real facts

-Thirdly and i'm sure not lastly is the whole piercing the stems of all branch to shock the fuck out of her?? she thinks she going to die she'll produce more resin and trichs to catch pollen?? True or False

and then UBV which I'm pretty sure is allready proven so no explanation there..i don't think

Any Input from all the VETs out would be great....I know some of yall don't want to give up secret tricks but I was just wondering who has tryed any of these and does it really work.....? Thanks Again Everybody........

there have been studies done showing some pheno's can produce up to 30% more resin production by leaving it in complete darkness for 72 hours.

yes running a plant dry before harvest speeds up the drying time. sometimes it makes it difficult to trim though.

sticking needles or nails in plants is said to drive the hormones crazy and produce a lot more resins. do it to early and it could kill the plant, do it to late and it does nothing but decrease yield. I would never do this!

and UVB ain't no joke.


Active Member
All right well i thought i get more ideas than this but.....heres what i just did

- I just stabbed one of my girls through the base???? wasn't to hard/ i didn't feel it much lol.....I even left the knife in her till the chop...kinda mean but i'm just testing?

- next lady I ripped all her fans off......anything with a stem gone? just to see what that does.

- i cut the photoperiod down by two start? tomorrow I'll shut 'em completely down for 48 hrs to 72 hrs I'm not sure yet?

- I'll drain my rez's tomorrow too maybe in the evening like 10 ish (lights are (were) on at night) I have two rez's I might just drain the one with the ladys I left alone....the other rez has the stuck bitch and one with no fans I've got eight total ready to chop I'm just seeing what happens.. during veg I topped two of 'em left to alone and FIM'd the other four??? just fucking around....any other advice would be great....once dry I'll weigh 'em seperate to see what works best? and Mag my trichs which produced more?


Active Member
Best trick is to keep it as healthy as possible while maxing out ferts without burn. Then a good flush at the end. 72 hous dark then chop.


Well-Known Member
Iv tryed all those and I dont thing they work that great. the only thing that has worked for me is cutting the light back from 12/12 to 10 /14 my trichomes started turning amber.


Active Member
I'm cutting light period 2 hours today.....tomorrow they'll be dark for 48 to 72 and I'll drain my water within that 48 hrs...?


Active Member
I've had fert maxed out.....been flushing for ten days....trichs are really cloudy fans are turning yellow buds are using left over nutes......just trying to have 'em putting on a few extra trich's! was it not a good idea? too late now but we'll see if I like what


Well-Known Member
Let me know what happens KG.I have a white widow that is full term and she just isnt as dank as I want her to be.Nirvana WW.dont waste your $$ Fellas.

Edit;Went out and took a look @ the ww's.I guess the trick to them is to feed them half as much and wait the 9-10 weeks of flower.They are finally getting skunky.I was starting to think they were a waste of time.The Snow White flowered early and its a 10-12 week flowering plant.Had 3 feminized.The Texas heat made em all a palm tree pheno with one lollipop on each one.They wont be done til the end of oct.The Shoreline out performed everything and its getting the long cure,fuckin awesome smells.If Texas has another summer like this I'm gonna kill the outdoor action and just pick a few to veg extra long.:wall:


Well-Known Member
ooh i am very interested in this thread. Im comin to harvest time with my master kush's and have some blue cheese and skunk's to follow them. Blue cheese is absolutely covered in trich's but the others seem to be failing in comparison. I will definatley do 2 or 3 days darkness before i pluck em but i would love to know any other tried and true methods. And to all the growers comin up to harvest.... How long do these last few weeks seem to go on for?!?!?!? Its torture dammit


Well-Known Member
It’s nice that your experimenting and all but if you’re doing all this at the same time how are you going to know what was effective and what wasn’t? I'm pretty new to growing so maybe I’m missing something. idk


Well-Known Member
The stabbing your plant method doesn't make much sense to me. You are puncturing the vascular cambium and xylem, these these two organs carry water, minerals and nutrients throughout the plant. When they are disturbed the plant focuses energy on creating hormones to seal over the wound. If you left that knife there long enough the stem would form around it. You don't want to be focusing energy on healing because you don't want to be damaging, it takes away from the energy dedicated to bud production.

toying with the long term lighting is a good method to encourage faster development. the 72 hr method, though ive not yet tried, seems to short term for any real value.


Active Member
It’s nice that your experimenting and all but if you’re doing all this at the same time how are you going to know what was effective and what wasn’t? I'm pretty new to growing so maybe I’m missing something. idk

Holy shit really!!!! I'm fucking elated!!! just came home after work tonight and checked the ladies.....(stink just so u know I've got eight finishing right now in two diff rez's......during veg I left two alone-Topped two others those are in the same rez and FIM'd the other four in seperate rez) Well this is what i just found ......the plants I fucked with last night have completely freaked out :-P:leaf::-P !!!!! only after twelve hours major changes>the one that was first topped during veg and that was sliced to fuck, I stuck a razor blade completely through her on every single branch?! she has put on way more trichs than any of the others!!! fn great....they other one which was left alone during veg and that last night I put a knife through and btw way I left and is still hanging out of same just a little less frost.....and lastly the other one I topped during veg which last night I pulled every fan leaf off! same major diff in trich production!!!! the other rez which has all four fim'd in I left alone> don't get me wrong they still look great but not as frosty....I mean really no joke its a major visible change> Oh yeah by the way they have all been in complete darkness too only twelve hours now and I planning on 72. my rez's still have water but I'll be emptyin all tomorrow morning for at least for 48 hrs.....I hope this isn't to confusing for anybody to follow I'll try and get some good pics to show how frosty the (test) girls are compared to the others.


Active Member
heres two shots of each one left alone and the other sliced. I got too many tops to show all but u should be able to tell the difference? hopefully. in person it's super obvious we'll see what you think? I am now a complete advocate for the stem piercing.

(sliced) (untouched) (untouched) (sliced)

