Tips Of Leaves Turning Brown On One Plant.


Active Member
So on my Green crack clones 2 out of 3 the tips of fan leaves are turning brown. Dark brown. Blurry pic kinda, but you can see the brown tips and they seem to be getting worst. Comments suggestions please on what is going on. Im a noob grower.



Active Member
Brown leaf tips are a trademark sign of nute burn. What medium? what nutes? lights? how old?

It also looks like to me that your leaves are a very very dark green/purple color. This might just be a camera trick. But if they really are dark dark green/purple, it may be a phosphate deficiency. It may also be the strain, I believe green crack also has some purple kush in it?? Not positive on this one though


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn, what are you feeding your plants and how much. But also bwatte has a good point the leaves look very green.


Active Member
ya I was thinking it might be normal for his particular strain of green crack, but you can see the leaves below in the pic and they arent nearly as green/purple as the ones above


Well-Known Member
Just as long as the tips are only burning you should be fine but def. back of the nutes and bit, I keep my autos like that for awhile and they where fine and got good yields.AND FLUSH!!


Active Member
It cant be nute burn I wasnt giving any really to them I was thinking it was a defeciency of some sort so I did water with nuts. My light was kinda close its one of the taller plants and its actually only on the upper leaves so I backed the light off a little bit. But ya the last 2 waters were nut free.


Well-Known Member
What type of soil are you using? 'Hot' soils can give you mild nute burn, even if you never fed them. Those burnt tips are the trademark sign of borderline nuteburn, so i'm going to have to stick with that theory. :)