Tips on preparing the soil outdoors

George Dubs

Active Member
Could anybody offer me any advice on how much area i should dig up for sufficient space for five plants probably only 2/5 will be female hopefully, my terrain is in some woods near my house, living in the IL. Also should i nute the soil before putting the plants in they are about 5 weeks old now was planning on moving them in sometime this week:)

thanks a lot for the advice


Active Member
If it was me I would want to space them a good couple feet apart not in any certain pattern. You have to think about how big you wants your females, one or two hear than one hear dont do rows. Good luck

George Dubs

Active Member
thanks Organicman

okay, i was thinking that i would place 1-2 within a 5ft area as well for another two and then just having my biggest one which im hoping will be a female by itself. Do you know how much more of a benefit plants get by being in the ground rather then say a 5gal bucket, im debating between the two i was thinking buckets maybe in case i need to move them on a real cold night or if i get to paranoid haha if i was was to go in the ground how deep should i dig in and what sort of nutrients should i add to it (bat guano, worm castings, miracle grow) the usual?

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Could anybody offer me any advice on how much area i should dig up for sufficient space for five plants probably only 2/5 will be female hopefully, my terrain is in some woods near my house, living in the IL. Also should i nute the soil before putting the plants in they are about 5 weeks old now was planning on moving them in sometime this week:)

thanks a lot for the advice
1st, look up and see if tree canopy will grow into the path of the sun to your plant.
No, good...I'd dig a good size hole, 24' across and put a good soil & pro-mix or perlite mix in......I wouldn't nute the plant till it gets a bit more used to the new home, don't want to shock it. And don't put them in a clump..2 reasons..1) root growth....2) easy to see from air if in clump..... For me, I'd stick ti 5gal pots...easy to evacuate in case of cop , fire or thieves.. IMO
Happy growing..........Hope you get nice 6ft+ plants, like mine....