tips on watering seedling and/or seeds


New Member
i need to know how much to water seedlings at the time when i plant them and when they grow how much water do i give them how often and when do i change the amount i give them and to how much? or do uevenchange the amount?


Well-Known Member
I water my seedlings with a atomizer a few (3 or 4) sprays on the soil and a spray on the plant....this is a rough guide...because,,I don't really measure the amounts...I do that everyday if the pots are really need to check the state of the soil by putting your finger in the dirt about an inch or so...if its damp or wet they are fine but if its dry give them a drink....hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Seedlings don't use much water at all. When you water, do it thoroughly, til it runs out the container holes, then I drain mine on an angle, also very thoroughly.
Don't water a little bit at a time. This causes problems.
Feel the weight of the pot after it's drained. When it needs water, it'll be much lighter.
Much better to under water than to over water.
Learn to water by need, not by schedule. Things change and water needs depends on these changes.


New Member
is the best method only to water when the soil is dry by 1 inch in depth? or is there a better method and is spraying water better then pouring?


Well-Known Member
i would say 2 CFL n wat kind u usin??? but i never fukd with fluros so i really cant say much... n yeah man depends alot on how the pots are n how compact or aerated ur soil is


Well-Known Member
It's best to water when your medium is all-but-dry, just before they droop from thirst.
This can be tricky, so just always wait until you're pretty certain your pot is almost dry, then la douche!
Learning to water by planter weight is wise.


New Member
for germinating seeds is light good or bad i was told to keep them in a dark warm place is warm and light good?


Well-Known Member
im keeping soil for seedlings moist all the time.

you cant overwater seedlings as far as i know. just dont make swamp in your pot and everything will be alright.

when you see water coming out of bottom holes - stop watering - pour out water if its too much.

seedlings arent strong and they dont hold much water inside them thats why its easy to underwater them.


Well-Known Member
? just keep paper towels moist/more like wet all the time. put towels in plastic bag so moist wouldnt run out. but keep bag open NOT airtight.

i germenated 2 times like that and it works great! 9 from 10 poped and second time 5 from 5 poped.


New Member
so dont keep thebag airtight leave it open a bit and whats the best conditions hot and dry or moist and hot or cold or whatanddarkplace or light place?


Well-Known Member
^i keep mine cool and dark with a success rate that approaches 100% but i always thought warm dark and humid would make it quicker.

warm and dark. and higher humidity.


Well-Known Member
warm and dark. and higher humidity.

lol - seeds dont like warm. theyre not shrooms.

humidity doesnt really matter till towels is moist/mostly wet


Well-Known Member
A Good trick I used when i was growing in soil was I had a cheap digital bathroom scale, Weigh it wet, then let it completely dry... Weigh it dry. As long as your soil mix and pots are the same size you can weigh just one and determine how much water all your plants need.


Well-Known Member
Obviously after a couple weeks you can go on a schedule, but its good to know in the beginning. Especially if your experimenting with new soil mixes or new ventilation or have added a dehumidifier, Or basically anything that will drastically change the humidity in the room. I always would check going into flowering. Whenever the plant cycle changes its watering needs change. Same is true with the environment.


New Member
the 4 seeds i have have crack with in 3 days of germination but they are only about 5mm in lenght of the root and they will not grow anymore i need help these r the only seeds i have and i got no more bud to clear for seeds or money to buy some i need to get these seeds to grow ASAP