Tips, Tricks, and Whatever lol


Active Member
Hey I just had a random thought I wanted to share... How helpful would it be to have a thread, with helpful tips and tricks, for growing and for things other then marijuana cultivation.

If you can think of any, please add them in!

1) If you spill red wine on the carpet or sofa, put regular table salt (lots of it, about 1 cm thick over the spill) leave it for about 15-20 mins--the salt will absorb the wine, and you don't even have a stain! you can just sweep up the salt. (very useful if your a wino) lol

2) If you have a dog or cat that bites, biting them just hard enough, on the ear, after they've bitin you, can help them realize its not pleasant, and discourage the behavior... actually this worked with my nephew as well lol he was a biting kids at preschool, so his mom bit him back one day, and he hasn't done it since lol....

3) If you're a girl, who wears makeup-- concealer/foundation should be applied at least 5 minutes before any kindof powder. This ensures the first layer dries, and it won't look cakey after you apply the powder. (Just read that the other day, thought it may be worth sharing lol)

4) To Interpret the warning signs of a stroke:
F = Face, one side will be lopsided
A = Arms, when held straight out r crooked
S = Speech, will be slurring words
T = Time, sooner you call 911, the better

^ I think everyone should know stuff like that ^

5) Not everyone know how to convert Celsius into Ferenheight. (however you spell it)
All you do is X 2 + 32

EX. 10C = 10X2 = 20+32 = 52 degrees Ferenheight.
There is some debate over whether or not its 32 or 34, but I use 32 lol...

Anyways I have no idea if that was news to any of you-- but if anyone has any odd tips, tricks or whatever--- please post it here! :)