Tissue Culture: affordable? How to learn?


Active Member
Tissue culture: is it affordable to learn?
Is it viable/expensive to get the equipment?
And has it been effective in your experience?

I have seen tissue culture and have worked with successfully cultured plants.

I'm wondering what I need to do to start learning how to do this and what sort of experience people here have had.
I'm very interested in this too,I'm all ways wanting to learn new thing's so i have been doing plenty,of research about it ,but any one that has knowage about it would be good to hear from you.

Also the test strip's that you rub the leaf on then send away to lab to have the plant sexed,has any one tried this out.Seen it on urban growers site looks like a great way,of sexing plants with out all the hassle of having to grow them through veg then into flower sometime's if they don't give you clue's in veg.Be great,to take a first leaf,of and sending it away,i normally clone then sex via the clone,but this would keep numbers down,so i think its a good thing