Titanium Domeless Nail


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just wondering if anyone has ever tried the titanowl domeless nails?
What I've read on the internet, allegedly the nails are low grade titanium that is harmful to your health.

Half the titanium nails out there in shops don't have any name stamped on the nail, so what is to say the headshop isn't stocking those same alleged harmful nails?
Just looking for some insight as I really want to pickup a nail ASAP w/o paying $100 for the same $25 nail online. Also if anyone can list pro/con of going with a male or female bowl. I was thinking of trying a male one out due to the fact that it would fit my normal bongs.

Thanks to anyone providing insight, heres a link to the product
Get grade 2 titanium. Do not buy eBay nails! Chances are it is bad! Go with a reputable company! It is your health after all! Highly educated is pretty affordable!
@chewberto- have you tried buying nails from ebay? I almost bought one as I also paid nearly $100 at my local shop it worked well but was lost quick. I see ebay had them cheap and almost asked on here about them.
Female bowls are best...heat makes things expand
I wouldn't pay more than 20-30 for a nail..
Care to explain? I got headaches from my first cheap Ti nails! Also new dabbers tend to overheat the nails, so I can't concur with this statement! Playing with torches and extreme heat can be dangerous especially if the titanium is a host among other metals within the nail! Not to say you couldn't "Score" a nail for 20-30 bucks! I just can't recommend those eBay nails IME! I should say we are discussing "Domeless" nails as well, those tend to cost much more! Did you mean straight nails for domes?
I'm referring to domeless nails. I decided against the ebay specials. I actually was able to find a female 18mm titanium nail for $46 shipped with a male-male glass adapter.
I'll report back in regards to quality if anyone would like.
I have the same exact nail actually. It says on the side grade2 and I believe that it is. the nail gets heavyy use. probably taking about 15-20 dabs a day. I've been using it for a few months now and compared to other nails that i have/used it seems to look and wear the same. definitely better than your head shop trying to tax you probably $85+.. i'd recommend it. good construction, the top plate unscrews(think this makes it heat up faster and keep heat in only the part needed as well), perfectt fit into any of the joints on the glass I have. (just make sure you get the right size)