Tma 6 (Trimethoxyamphetamine)


Well-Known Member
What in the hell? lol I can tell you are all about the "research" chemicals haha I have never heard of it but it is the same as amphetamines you could do more than that but I have no idea so don't take my word on that one bit unless it is just that literally mescaline mixed with amps or is it a completely different drug and just that's what people describe as the feeling?


Well-Known Member

Does anyone have any experience with this? Three friends of mine and I have tried it in
10, 20, 30, and 35 mg doses. Barely getting any effects at 30-35 mg. I don't wanna od anyone but we would like to trip on it. Its basically
Mescaline+ amphetamines

I don't have too much exp with amphetamines so I want to make sure we all take it easy on it
Most of the 100% legal RC's I've come across aren't that good I tried some 4 fluorococaine and it was the same deal hardly any effects. If your looking for a hallucinogenic amphetamine DOM is your best bet or some MDA if you can find it.