TMB's Indoor 4'x4' Veg Tent & 7'X11' Flowering Area


Well-Known Member
Hello all, and thanks for stopping by. All input is welcome, that’s why we visit this site, to get as much useful info we can.
This is what I’m working on....

The Shed
I have a 12'x16' (OD) shed that I used for storage. This summer/fall I sealed it up, insulated it and hung drywall, threw up some mud, and a lil flat white paint.....BAM....grow room.
I have a 4'x4'x6'-8" tent that has a 400watt "Hortilux" MH lamp that I’m using for the "Veg" room. An area of 11'x7' that I will flower in using 2x1000 watt "Hortilux" HPS lamps. The flower area has a sub floor with a pond liner on top so I could deal with the "over watering" issues and to keep them off the cement. I ran the pond liner up the wall a bit to create a shallow pool area and installed a drain. (See photos). The remainder of the shed area will be used as work and storage area.



Well-Known Member
Grow Medium
This will be a soil grow. Had a hard time settling on a brand of soil to use, so I bought a few types...
Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Black Gold
Steer Manure
I mixed all the above and made my own blend. The seedlings are in 1 gallon pots, and the clones are in 3 gallon pots.



Well-Known Member
The Crop
I'm a prop 215 patient (California) and my prescription is for 25 plants, and my wife 6. I have a total of 30 plants in the Veg tent at this time. Here is the roster...
2-Sour Diesel
2-Shiva Skunk
2- Strawberry coughs X Deep Chunk
1- Purps
1-Jack Herer, all the above are clones.
The remainder of the 30 are seedlings
17- Lemon Purps
5- Blackberry Kush X Northern California Green Bud as they were described to me. The 17 Lemon Purps seedlings “popped” Christmas Day (nice gift), and the 5 Berry X NCGB were planted on Christmas day and the first one popped 4 days later. That makes the Lemon Purps 19 days old, and the Berry X NCGB 15. (day 1st seed popped up)
The Clones were put in soil on Dec. 10th which makes them 33 days old. They were in the care of another person until last Friday. They look healthy, but I think they should have been a bit further along, over crowing maybe?



Well-Known Member
Pinched Tops-
Yestersay all the tops got pinched hoping to get 2 or 4 tops per plant. The height of my flowering area is only 6'-6". My 7 gallon pots are 12", the light will hang 12"-16" from the ceiling, plus the 12"-18" you keep the light from the plants. That adds up to 36"-48". That only leaves 30"-42" of growing height. This is looking like a SCROG grow, or heavy LST. Would like to get light movers, but that drops it down further. Will need to do more research on options, or input is good to.


Well-Known Member
CO2 Started today-
I have a Green Air co2 regulator/dispensing unit that I just hooked up today. The unit will be nice for the room, but way over-kill for the tent.
I found this link to a co2 calculator that lets you know how long to leave the co2 on to get 1500ppm of co2 in the room. You give the room dimensions + co2 flow rate and they give the time. For my tent it said 1.008 minutes. So every hour, on the hour I flow 1 minute of co2 into the tent. The tube that provides the co2 to the tent is hooked up to the back of the fan which is blowing over the tops of the plants.
Concerned - Too much co2
With co2 being pumped into the room every hour (only when light are on), what kind of build up can I expect? I did a good job sealing the tent up, and the fan blows while the lights are on, 18-6 schedule. The tent has covered vents on 3 sides located at the bottom. The plants are on a table about 2'-6" above floor level and I know co2 is heaver then air.
Is the co2 being used by the plants and escaping out the vents by the blowing fan so the 1 minute co2 boost every hour is good? Or are the levels of co2 building and building every hour and poisoning my plants?
The answer is Sentinel Environmental Controller but that's $600 I don't have right now.
Any help/input with this would sure be great.



Well-Known Member
Wet Walls-
The girls wake up at 8:00am, so went to the shed right at eight, opened the tent and the inside of the walls were wet with condensation. Very wet. So adjustments were made......
co2 now goes off 1 min every 2 hours vs. every hour. Better to keep the levels of co2 on the lower side vs. on the higher side.


Well-Known Member
your exhausting the veg tent? if so, once an hour should be fine. It would depend on the amount of intake as apposed to exhaust, ppm release etc.

The plants in your veg room don't look crowded..... Yet :p

Here I am subscribed :).

Healthy seedlings, Yep :).

As far as Scrog or LST.... to each their own, but I personally recommend LST First. Its funny. I don't usually do any training with clones. I usually do most of my training with Seeds. But I can say that my journal hosts a fine example of how LST and SCROG can work for your benifet ;). Cheerio....


Well-Known Member
Going to talk about the seedlings for a second. They were transplanted Friday Jan 8th, which makes 1 week ago, into the 1 gallon pots. They were re- watered on Sunday the 10th. They got watered again this morning the 15th. I will introduce them to Fox Farms Big Bloom next watering at half strenght (Monday or Tuesday).


Well-Known Member
I took the advise of TLD and Smoking Chef about dealing with the co2 levels in the grow tent. I have 4 digital timers exactly the same make and model. I'm able to adjust them down to the minute. So 1 controls the light/osculating fan, (on at 8:00am, off at 2:00 am). One to control the co2, and another the control the intake/exhaust fans. This is how it works....
Lights on at 8:00am, co2 comes on at 9:00 am, at 9:01 co2 goes off. At 9:55am the fans kick on for four minutes, shuts down at 9:59. At 10:00am the co2 kicks on for 1 minute, at 10:01 kicks off, at 10:55 fans kick, 10: 59 fan get the idea. This way I don't over feed the girls too much co2. Add co2 every hour to get to 1500ppm, co2 slowly comes down during that hour, how much, who knows, fans kick on, exhausts co2 to 300 ppm, fans shut down, and co2 is added to 1500 ppm. This happen every hour for 18 hours.


Active Member
FDD just banned TLD

gave him 3 infractions and Banned him all from ONE post! its on the last page of his journal....


Well-Known Member
Unreal,....all i can say.
Knowing TLD on a personal basis, all I can say is "the guy is golden". Never has there been a negative/bad word directed to me. He may see something i'm doing wrong, he will let me know what is right, but in a manor that teaches, not insults. i know my place on the "ladder" of growing, so I seek critisum, and prase from him.
I can only compare this to two male Lions, one raises his pride different then the other, and when the two cross paths, fur is going to fly, just the way it is.
These two lions are respected by many here, guess this is what happens when two lions live in the same jungle


Well-Known Member
The girls are looking great! The growth rate is off the chart right now since the c02 has been introduced.. Last pictures were taken 4 days ago. I watered again today, but added no Fox Farm BB, they look just fine and i'm sure there getting plenty of good stuff in that soil.
No more moisture on the tent walls after adjusting the fans/co2 delivery.
Note: We had power outage issues last week. Lost power at 4:15 pm on Tuesday, I had the generator up and going 30 minutes later (4:45 pm). At 11:15pm I ran out of gas for the generator (no local stores has gas due to power outage too). Our power came back on at 11:45pm (out another 30 minutes). And my girls go to bed at 2:00am. I think i'm O.K.
Scheduled Power outage Friday night to repair Tuesday outage issues. Outage scheduled from 11:00pm to 8:00 am. Got more gas for the generator, but could not get it to run correct, so didn't use. Girls had 9 hrs of sleep instead of 6 that night. Hope all my shit doesn't go hermi on me. Waiting game now. Back on the 18-6 schedule again.



Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning to another power outage. Power went out at 7:50am, and the girls get up at 8:00am. What to do? Waited about 15 mins , but no power . Its pouring rain here, air temp is 42 degrees, and my generator is on the fritz. What am I going to do?.....This is what I did. Got my truck, pulled it up to the shed, and I took the girls out of the tent, and into the truck cab. All I could think of. Gets light, covered, and I can keep warm. This way I can keep their 18-6 light/dark on schedule.
Power came back on at 9:25, so a bit over an hour in the truck.
Room Adjustments
The seedling are going crazy, some are over a foot tall now. I had all the seedling pots sitting on top of pots that I turned up-side down to raise the plant height. I took out all the "booster" pots so everything is on the drain pan now.



Active Member
nice setup. your power situation is a bitch...getting that gennie setup is a must if its gonna be like this for you. you should be alright if youve only had light cycle disruption a couple times, this early on in the grow. i noticed you added manure into your potting careful when adding high N nutes to your water, as that manures pretty hot stuff. looks good, im subscribing.


Well-Known Member
Hello CAashtree-
Thanks for checking in. This should be an interesting grow, and fun to follow. Doing 2 things.
1) I'm going to flower 8-12 girls indoor, LSTing the hell out of them. Would like to SCROG, but growing mostly seeds, so i don't want to be pulling out males from a SCROG screen.
2) Another 8-12 will go into a greenhouse (my outdoor weed cage, going to wrap in plastic) the beginning of March. Will compare the 2 to see the difference in the grows.
Steer Manure-I went easy on the steer manure, but wanted to add to the soil to give that extra boost. I've had great success in the past with this, but i do understand about the burn. The girls seem to luv it, i see no signs of burning after 2 weeks, so i think i'm good.



Active Member
i love that greenhouse/weed cage. jealous, in fact. lookin at what you got goin, i realize you didnt need a warning about manure...very much looking forward to watchin that cage fill up. im gonna be trying to do a small spring harvest, need to build a mini greenhouse myself. mini mini though.


Well-Known Member
The Clones
I have a few projects going on this weekend, starting tonight with transferring clones from the "new" hydro-cloner? (not sure what to call it). We took 23 clones from 3 different strains....
Mind Bender X Afghangooey
The Purps
and Bubba Kush
We will transfer them into Black Gold’s Coco mix with a bit of Fox farms Ocean forest using 20oz Solo cups as pots. Then we will take clones from Jack Herer, Flo, Bubba Kush, and Mind Bender x Afghangooey and put them into the cloner.

Larger Pots
Seedling are in 1 gallon pots, and going to transfer them into 3 gallon and 7 gallon pots this weekend. They are getting large fast, so more room is needed, more roots = big buds.

Setting up flower area
With these larger pots that 4x4 tent won't work. I'm going to set up the flowering area and veg there for 4 weeks. I have 2 Sun System 400 watt MH set ups that I will hook up along with 2-100 watt MH Sun System (ballast enclosed) that will be added to the mix. !000 watts but a lil more spread out.


Well-Known Member
Went to my partner’s house last night to work on the clones. Crazy trip over there. About 6 inches of snow on the roads. Made for a interesting trip. (See photo)
Back to the clones. Out of 23 clones 7 were ready to be put into pots. Another 3 had no growth on the bottom side and were removed, and the remainder had some sort of growth, but not enough to put into soil. So were going to let them go another week or two. We added 5 more Mind bender x Afghangooey's and 5 Bubba Kush cuttings to the cloner.
We keep the clones over at my partner’s house because their prescription is for 99 plants, ours 31 total.

