It's too late in the season to start one I'm thinking. Not to mention the day time hours are getting shorter and shorter. So they wouldn't get all the sun they otherwise would be if you just waited. Cold snap will also hit in late Nov til around Feb. One thing about the weather here it's EXTREMELY fickle during the winter months and into early spring. Don't take your girls outside just because there's been a warm front. Like take spring of 12 for instance. Had a nice warm front that hit. It was so good it confused wildlife and plant life. Trees were blooming in early feb and there were even fireflies out. Frogs were spawning and so were fish. There was talk on NPR about how farmers were going ahead and planting crops with no problem. I put 12 girls out that had been hanging out indoors for 5 weeks and started another 15. Put them out 3 weeks later. Then out of nowhere a bad cold snap came through. Temps dropped down to almost freezing at night and thick frost that lasted about 2 weeks. The first batch pulled through it but they were older and established. I was happy about that. Didn't get my hopes up for the second batch. Went to check on them and there was one left. I left it to itself. Went back in July just out of curiosity and needless to say it was gone. So putting em out early because the weather man says so is risk vs reward. Its usually risk>reward.
You probably could put them out if you did some sort of a mini green house set up and kept temps okay. But like I stated earlier it probably just wouldn't get enough sun to do anything. This is also my second grow too. My first where everything was left totally up to me. I don't consider myself experienced enough in growing to give any sort of deep advise but 15 years here has shown me the seasons are like a bi polar girlfriend..................who flips a coin to decide if she's gonna take her meds or not that week lol. You'll be wearing shorts, sandals, and T-shirt in the beginning of Feb and jeans and a coat 2 weeks later. Then lounging in a swimming pool 2 weeks after that.
One thing you CAN count on is a crazy hot end to spring and an awesome summer that'll make some amazing plants. Put my last small batch out in June 1st and they're about ready to pull. Those are gonna be the couch lock girls if they don't get hit by lightning or something.
Here's good prep work to think about. If you're going to place them on your farm then go somewhere and get LOTS of private property/no trespassing signs. Put them up around the borders of your property. Any entrances and exits to it. If a stream runs into your property put them there as well. Hunters follow streams looking for deer trails. Not to mention deer trails themselves. That should keep hunters out. Trespassing in TN vs AZ are 2 different ballgames. Residents here know that if they're creeping around somewhere with signs posted they're running the risk of being shot at if they're spotted. A lot of people open carry and most male old timers CC.
Now I'll cover Leo. From what I've observed with choppers you won't see them a lot. In mid spring you'll spot them. Then usually around August you'll see them making rounds again. For the most part they stick to TVA reforested areas and buzz along them. So just make sure to not leave stuff around.
Now when it comes to dealing with them personally you're in for a real treat. TN is in fact ran by the Good Ol' Boy system. If you're outside of major cities limits (Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville and Memphis)just assume that they're all dirty. Small town police have little to no major crimes outside of Methmonkeys and pillzombies taking anything that isn't bolted and cemented into the ground. And that's if they haven't scrapped their bolt cutters.
They can and will change up statements and literally twist them into something horrid. Don't count on cruiser dash cams to go in your favor. If it could then chances are it'll vanish. Then the DA will say ''So you're saying my officer is a liar?'' Then you'll get a smug grin that'll make you want to slap the taste out of their mouths. Good news is it's a one party recording state. Take that into consideration. It's your ace in the hole.
In a worse case scenario you'll get put through the ringer legally. The good/bad part is that 99% of the time they'll drop anything that isn't sexual assault or murder down from a Felony to a Misdemeanor after several dates (racking up court costs) Then you'll walk out with a hefty fine and some probation time. Which ends when your legal fines are paid off. I suggest biting the bullet and doing it in one shot to get it out of the way. You can go to public hearings and just watch for yourself. It's actually pretty hilarious and good entertainment. It'll also make you sick when you see some punk who robbed a few people blind, stole a car and went on a 2 county chase walk out whistling dixie with a 5000$ fine, probation and community service.
That pretty much covers the negative things to look out for and worry about.
The upside is a long sunny grow season. If you're into outdoor style things it's a great place to be.
Hiking, boating, camping and fishing are great. The music scene is very active. Lots of music festivals. A few good stadiums for live commercial bands. Good food and hot country girls.