To all my compadres


Well-Known Member
Be you in hydro , led, or elsewhere

Happy New Year

I feel changes afoot, the likes of which we have never experienced in this last 200 years

Take heart, it's always darkest before the dawn

Growing keeps us sane in this otherwise fucked up reality

To think we have never met and likely never will, but have made a unique connection speaks volumes about the 'oneness' of all

Namaste, my brother and sisters in arms
Are you aware that "As-Salaam-Alaikum," the Arabic greeting means "Peace be unto you, " AND", that despite what our world leaders would like us to believe so they can play war, we are all brothers?

The great way is not difficult for those that have no preferences. When love and Hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. But make the slightest distinction, and Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart. ~Hsin Hsin Ming
Now now. The goal is to bring them up to our level, not bend down to theirs

We are ALL spirit having a human experience, not the other way around, as many have been programmed to believe by their religions and politicians.

Fact is, we are all one. And the sooner we treat each other that way, and demand the same from our so-called leaders, the sooner this entire planet can heal, followed by Peace and Abundance for all

Can I get an Amen?

That musta' been your strong christian morals shining through again.

Wa’alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, akhi!

OP: Namaste!
Happy New Year M8,

May 2014 bring health and peace to you and yours.

and some killer bud to boot :weed:

Asmallvoice & Family