To Early to Flower?


Well-Known Member
Take a look at the pic below. This plant has been vegging for 22 days (from sprouting). The height is about 6 inches, but it's pretty full. Is it too young/small to start flowering? I usually wait at least 6 weeks (42 days), but I have 8 other seedlings and limited space. So, my idea was to move this one outdoors for flowering.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.


Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
plant looks good. it just depends on how big u want your plant and how much yeild you want. you can force flower whenever` g/l


Well-Known Member
personly id give some more time but thats the great thing about indoor growing, its a controlled enviorment an you can flower any time you please


Well-Known Member
Pre-mature flowering increases the chance of the plant being a hermaphrodite. I would let it go at least 28 days and then flower. Depends on how big you want it to be or how much lighting you have to cover the plant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback - I think I'll wait a few more weeks before I start flowering.

By the way, this one looks like it's a pre-flowering female (woo-hoo)!!!


Well-Known Member
how much do u yield from that> [Who knows for sure, some go 12/12 right from the jump with success.]