to flower or not to flower


Well-Known Member
I wanted to get some opinions here. I have 2 girls that i was going to make into mothers but have recently changed my mind. I was wondering if it would be worth it to flower these girls, as is, under a 1000 watt HPS. i'm not sure if I should wait until i get my other 8 girls another foot taller, and flower them all at the same time or just flower the 2 larger ones. the 2 in the pics are under fluro lights, and the other 8 are in a grow cabinet, and I'm about to put them under 8 light t5s. the ones in the picture are about 2 1/2 feet tall and the ones in the cabinet are 6-8 inches. View attachment 2012-08-01 14.36.09.jpgView attachment 2012-08-01 14.36.16.jpg


Well-Known Member
They look like they have a good amount of Vegative growth on them dood and they will do well under 1000w
You could put them into 12/12 now to Flower and then put your others in once they get a little larger.. depends how big you want your plants to be in the end, and also depends what strain they are. When i am closet growing hieght always is an issue that needs to be accomodated for or you could end up with not enough hieght, keep in mind that some strains double in size under 12/12 and some can even Triple..

Dunno if this helps any but..
Happy Growing :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Pretty much it is up to you and how big you want them to be when you flower...I have flowered 6 in plants, and also 3 ft is just bigger than the other.


Well-Known Member
I have an 8x4 grow tent I'm going to be using to flower. with the 8 girls so far from the light wont that effect how much they yield?