To Heavy Harvest or Not to Heavy Harvest

ok so i know im not the only person who is interested in advanced nutrients heavy harvest for this upcoming season. therefore i do not mind posting this thread and asking a few questions..

ive decided to plant in 10 gallon grow bags, poke large holes in the bottom and bury them about 12 inches into well worked soil. i was told a 10 kg pale is about 35 cups worth of fertilizer and to give each bag 2/3 of a cup each. does that sound right? im wondering about ph and how bad it is going to affect the mix in the bags. if anybody has any first hand experience with this product id love to hear it as im sure a few others would aswell.


why the hell would u put plants in a bag then bury them a foot in the ground? wow just wondering been doin this shit for a min or 2 or 3 and half the shit u rookies are doin makes no sense at all