to much light


i need help so bad, my friend told me a stupid tip to give my plants 24/0 cycle for 3 months then compleate darkness well i found out that 24/0 cycle is supposed to be only a few weeks then a 12/12 cycle and i imediatly shut off my light will my plants still bud what should i do


Well-Known Member
You don't need to use 24/0 at all. I've never seen a substantial benefit from doing so. Maybe if you were really at the low-end of light intensity.

You can technically veg with 24/0 throughout. Marijuana doesn't require darkness. But you save quite a bit on electricity having a dark period.


Well-Known Member
bro, u can switch the light cycle to 18/6 and they should be fine. u can keep it at 24/0 but thats kinda unnecessary. just when they get about half ur desired height, switch to 12/12