To pull or not to pull?


This is my first grow, yes I know small buds and what not, but hey I got them this far. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if I should pull them. At first I was only growing to make seeds for next grow, but now I kinda wanna get a few seeds and a few buds for testing. I am a very poor son of a bitch and don't have money for another scope, last one I bought did not work I couldn't see any trics. Anyways the buds are dieing where the seeds are popping out and I am wondering if I should pull them now before its too late and all the THC decompose. I only need a few seeds now because I plan on cloning the next one's I grow instead of using seeds over and over. I also counted about 8 brown and ripe seed and that about all I need, so I just want an opinion on what you would do at this point.


no clue

Well-Known Member
Lot of white pistils yet. I would watch the pistils, (since you have no useable scope) and when most are brown and are laying against the buds, (as opposed to standing straight up) you are close.


Well-Known Member
I've you gotten your seeds already I would wait about 1 more week. Seems like most of the hairs have receded, but that's just the top bud so I'm guessing anything below that still has a good bit of white pistils.