To Rockwool or Not to Rockwool...That is MY question.


Active Member I'm a noob, just getting started.

Before doing so I bought/downloaded/watched all the known "How-To" vids that we are probably all familiar with...before doing anything

Now in almost all of these....seeds/seedlings as well as clones are placed in Rockwool, then into net pots (or something similar) with Clay Pelets (or something similar)

So - when I actually "began" and started shopping around for info (like this site) and websites selling materials...

I see that some DIY Cloners, Drip Systems, what-have-you....

Don't use Rockwool at all....< DUMBFOUNDED >..

I see a lot of cloners that simply suggest putting the cuttings into netpots that have the covers that allow one to "slip" the cutting into....

Or they use Neoprene Collars....and basically - no grow medium at all.

The cuttings simply dangle freely into the air being held in place. Then the "sprayers" water the bottoms...they root...and off you go. I even need rockwool?

If I am starting a plant from grows...then I want to clone that plant....I take cuttings....

.....can I just put the cutting into a (homemade DIY) cloner and not use rockwool - or Hydrotom Pellets?

And then ....later on when the cloned cutting has rooted.....

....transfer these cuttings - once roots appear - into the net pot covers that hold the plants in place....and not really need pots..or medium at all?

(Considering tha the Veg Grower and Bloom Grower are both Aeroponic Systems as well)

I was going to buy rockwool and clay pellets (as instructed in all those videos)

- but it seems if I am using an Aeroponic system, with sprayers feeding the roots directly with aerated solution ....I don't need medium at all.

Any thoughts on this?

(I really want to hear from those that have done BOTH - and can compare/contrast between the two.)

Thanks in advance to all you Cannabis Wizards.



Well-Known Member
Rockwool is not needed. I've rooted basil clones in jars of plain water, waited for about 3-4mm long roots to show, then gently transplanted them straight into hydroton clay pebbles. Leave undisturbed for just a couple of days and the roots will have wrapped around the hydroton, securing itself in place. A few more days and you'll have roots out of the net pot, and the plant will be totally secured.


Active Member
Ok - but further from just using question is - do I need to use pellets or even pots?

The POTS are designed to hold MEDIUM - like Rockwool, and Pellets.

But - if I am merely keeping the cuttings suspended in air (as it were) and feeding them nutrient solution via Aeroponics -

Then why use Rockwool...Pellets....or even Pots?

See what I mean?

The reason I am asking all this - and going into detail.....

If I visualize my process....cuttings into cloner...then into veggin system....then into blooming system.....

If I am not using Rockwool, or Pellets, or even Net Pots.....

Then transferring the plant itself from one system into another become WAAAAY easier....

As well, I would think - not using any medium or pots - inside an Aeroponic system....then the Solution has better direct access to the plant.....

Follow me?


Well-Known Member
If you're doing aeroponics you just work like normal. Neoprene sleeve insert, spray, and go. No need for medium. Just make sure your system is bottom-heavy enough to not fall over from plant weight up top, and make sure your neoprene insert won't fall through the hole.


Well-Known Member
I've always used rockwool for seedlings and cuttings and always been happy with the results. I also made one of those aeroponic style rooting contraptions, and that worked well also, but using rockwool was so much easier. The cubes hold water and nutrients, and don't require a pump making a bunch of noise spraying all the time. Those were the main reasons I switched away from the contraption. *twocents*


Active Member
To McGician:

So I understand that using Rockwool/Hydroton/Net Pots are tried and true....

To reitterate - yet hit the nail squarely -

The reason I am asking about using the Aeroponic system without the Medium and Pots -

If I start seedlings in a DIY Aeroponic system (or Top Feed Drip for that matter...) in a 15 plant cloner...

Then for the Vegging stage, I transfer to 2 inch 8 site Aero ponic (or Drip) system....

Then when the grow bigger and fatter (which ultimately they will) - I would want to transfer them to a maybe 4 site system

Now ...moving just rooted clones to another system - I would think that is rather easy

But once the roots grow out (if they start out in a 2 inch pot)....

transferring them to a 3 or 5 inch pot as well - to another system...(15 site to a 8 site to a 4 site - for example)

...That would seem to me difficult

The roots would tangle with each other, all around the Rockwool and Pellets - and locked into the Net Pot they started in

THIS is ultimately why not using pots, or medium at all.....sounds better (theorettically)

As well, it seems to me that those that have switched over from a Drip Top Feed and/or DWC to an Aeroponic System, claim that Aeroponics is the way to go.....

This is my rationale and my reason(s) for the questions and scenario lay out.

Any responce or opinions greatly welcomed



I have the same question but I'm using ebb n flow. Can I just place the clone with roots straight unto the hydroton without a med like RW? Also is it ok to place the clone on the hydroton without a pot? Meaning the table will be filled with hydroton....