To the Aerogarden masters!


Active Member
First off, Tek! you my friend are a good man!
big shout out to you, merc, van, and knomn.. you guys have helped me along quite a bit.
Read the entire first thread, and learnt all I need to know before getting started.
I seen this king of noob products on tv about a month ago, even before reading anything online. I got sooo damn excited.... I am growing my herb kit now as a test to see if it would work in my space. I will be continuing from there upon my receipt of my afgan kush and papaya seeds, and my 6 pack of fox farm.
Tek... from your pics and from what I have read... you did not use ANY fan system, or any other light then from what is on the aero itself?
My idea... coat the inside of a box[2ft(w)x4ft(h)] with mylar, maybe a small hose and fan system one at the base of the box(sucking in) and one at the top leading out the window(going out obviously). CO2 created by yeast, water and sugar. Adding another 150w light for the flowering stage. And a airator from a fish tank for the res..
Am i making this too hard?

Can any give me a detailed description of what a node is? and where to cut a plant in order to "top" it?
Also, once I have created and chosen a successful mother do you think it is a smart idea to move it into soil... and consistantly clone it in the aero?

noob with too much time on his hands


Well-Known Member
no you are not making it too hard you are just getting the most out of the lumens and the extraction will help great.The airstone will work wonders also the bigger the better, i have a similar set up growing lowryder#2.

A node is each side branch that comes of the main stem, then each node has its own nodes from each smaller branches that comes off it. From each point where the branches come off is where the buds start appearing.(correct me if i'm wrong).
Topping is something i havent done yet but i assume you pinch out the very top bud site.


Active Member
sweet man, thanks for the reply.
Have you read anything about super-cropping?
Where you pinch the stem under a node and bend it towards the base of your plant. Supposedly what this does is allows more light to hit the lower parts of the plant, thus yeilding more bud in tight spaces.
I am afraid though I would assume it would be better to train the plant to lie low with some chicken netting, or some sort or netting at the height desired.


Well-Known Member
Just done a quick search on super cropping and first impressions is it seems hit or miss until you get used to it so until you have a good supply of plant i personally wouldn't try it i would just tie it down instead.
I'm hoping to get some heavy duty fruity cuttings soon and i will train these to go around the box with the lights in the middle . Hopefully that will work and look good also.


Well-Known Member
Pohtay if this is your first grow, I suggest going as basic as possible, You will learn so much from your first grow and your second grow will be 100% better because of all the knowledge you gained from actual hands on experience....

But Sounds real good just don't get ahead of yourself,



Active Member
Why start slow, when you can experiment with the best your knowledge can provide?
So far I have built a mock greenhouse with 2 shelves and a ventilation system. The bottom shelft is about 4 ft(h) x 3ft(w) which I have surrounded by a cube of reflectiks, which is like metalic bubble wrap(hoping to hold in the heat without burnig the plants). I assumed this would be a great substitute for mylar, and have seen it in use before. The top I will use for veg and cloning, bottom flowering.

I am sooooo sooo sooooooo pumped to get my seeds!. I feel like a kid waiting for that send away toy from the cereal box. Tek thank you for the advice
but hey I can always try again ;)