To the beach for the week


Well-Known Member
Cool, my sister went there with her boyfriend and his family this summer, had a great time.



Well-Known Member
i enjoy the archipelagos of the caribbean. blue clear water 60 ft deep looks like 10ft . giant blue fish that dart from the coral that scare the shit out of ya and free bahama mamas all you can drink .


Well-Known Member
Headed to the beach, Outer Banks, for the week. I need to chill so bad, and write some new songs. This will be a total stoner week from sunrise to sleepy time.
I hope you took some music even a guitar or a harmonic


Well-Known Member
Outer Banks trip was great. Played some guitar and had more sex than I thought I could handle... and of course, Smoked that marijuana numerous times daily. Sunrise smoke started everyday. Pretty awesome time.


Well-Known Member
One set of lips and 6x harmonics's ...
1 pair of hands and 2 guitars ...
and still have time for sex....
now thats class?