Toke and Run

Native Humboldt

Well-Known Member
Does anyone else like to toke and run? I'm just heading out the door for about a 5 mile run after finishing a half of joint. Seems to kill the pain of a long run in the mountains! My wife thinks I'm crazy?
I toke and exercise all the time. Cannabis is my best light-moderate pain medication that allows me to stay active. My favorite is to lift weights or jump rope while high.
ran to the fridge last night.. had a dream we had fudge in the fridge.. I blame dirtsufr since he posted the pic of fudge.. now dreaming of food
Hell yeah. Hiking is especially awesome with a couple joints along the way, or a long canoe trip. I like to be sober when I'm lifting or running though.
topic still boggle my mind..

Running boggles my mind..

smoking then running.. =mind blown

I have 2 situations that will bring about a "run" condition
1. The shits
2. Last call for alcohol


I like to do my running&hiking more or less sober. gravity is gusty enough at baseline.

I'm not sure what "gravity is gusty" means but I'll assume it is a term to describe the phenomena I have noticed,where gravity has increased dramatically the last few years.

Case in point: In 1974 I could touch any basketball rim, even being a pretty beefy white kid. I was 6'3".

Well I'm still 6-3 and I'm still a white kid and I TODAY cannot come within 12" of the rim. You tell me there is not a gravitational gust, or conspiracy, or something. Al Gore was right.
Too hard to get the motivation to continue with exercise after getting ripped. If I overcome the laziness then my heart gets going and I get a bit paranoid. Better to leave it till afterwards. You know, a carrot on a stick.
I'm not sure what "gravity is gusty" means but I'll assume it is a term to describe the phenomena I have noticed,where gravity has increased dramatically the last few years.

Case in point: In 1974 I could touch any basketball rim, even being a pretty beefy white kid. I was 6'3".

Well I'm still 6-3 and I'm still a white kid and I TODAY cannot come within 12" of the rim. You tell me there is not a gravitational gust, or conspiracy, or something. Al Gore was right.

"Gravity is gusty" is the most rational explanation i have for my increasing propensity to slip and fall at inopportune moments. The idea that it's me getting clumsy seems like a much less likely hypothesis, bordering on unreasonable.
I hate running!! So I don't ..but I have no problem puffing up then taking the dogs for a run(I walk) out on the frozen swampland!

Having a a nice perm-a-grin and a nice lil nature walk with my dogs is great!:mrgreen: