Tolerance break :(


Well-Known Member
So, Ive been smoking too much in the last year or so, haven't really had a break at all , and in the last 6 months been smoking about 1-2 grams every night. It's just got to be that the buzz is not satisfactory anymore. I've just harvested some crystally as fuck c99 and even with my tolerance it still gets me pretty high, like decently high, but I don't wanna waste the whole 1.5 oz ive left on "decent". I decided to take a break and start saving it for the weekends so it can blow me away.

I haven't smoked since Saturday. 2 nights with out it. I plan to go 2 more nights, I've a ps4 and gta v bundle arriving on Thursday so can't wait to get mega baked and play that all night .

Back to the t break though. It's fucking hard I tell you that. The insomnia is horrible, the sense of loss , the boredom. I'm trying to keep myself busy and working out etc but I just feel like shit, my brain feels "funny" today, like a weird kind of clarity but also mild headache.

I would advise new smokers to not get into a habit of smoking everyday, allow your brain time to reset and not aquire tolerance if youre just a recreational user.
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I hear ya man, first couple years of smoking was great for me. Probably only partaked a few times a week and always got stoney Bologny even if it was schwaggy ass buds. I could smoke a bowl and be high for hours! Nowadays I'm stoned for 40 mins tops, and that's off of oil!
I have been smoking 24/7/365 for 35 years.

I have needed to stop a few times for legal issues....

Find a teacher, go learn to mediate either Zen or Yoga

Create a sleep routine that includes a mental relaxation exercise.
After 40 years of doing this type of thought exercise I usually fall asleep in 3-5 minutes.
this does not work for me every night but I use the exercise regardless.
